Untitled Part 82

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Chapter 82 by ryuxenji

In the following days, Tang Yi-Bai basically lived a life of being poked by needles and gulping down medicine. The area around his bone fracture was swollen but not painful — Grandpa Kang said that it was a sign that his bones were growing. They actually had a miraculous medicinal paste that could help speed up recovery tremendously, but given his status as a national athlete, they decided to err on the side of caution and wait till the fracture had settled and the plaster cast could be removed.

Yun Duo faithfully carried out her duty of an 'on-site reporter', introducing Tang Yi-Bai's recovery progress. She took several photographs of him, finally selecting one of Tang Yi-Bai gazing out at the scenery by the lakeside to accompany the headline news. His hand was in a cast as he looked out at the surface of the water with eyes filled with yearning. That sense of loneliness made others really feel like giving him a hug.

This edition of the newspaper was quickly sold out. Many fans were in tears when they saw the photo, and then they began cursing those damnable assailants, as well as urging the public security bureau through various means to crack the case as soon as possible...

In fact, the public security bureau had already made great progress in the case, but they could not keep updating the public at every juncture. Doing so would only alarm the culprits and make it even more difficult for them to take action.

The most significant development was that they had already arrested the immediate assailants. The three men and one woman who had been involved in the attack were all local hoodlums. After being arrested, the four of them stuck to their version of events — that they just did not like Tang Yi-Bai — and refused to admit that there was anyone else orchestrating things behind the scenes. The police interrogated them fiercely for 2 days before the woman finally caved.

According to her account, someone had indeed hired them to injure Tang Yi-Bai. The orchestrator had only been in contact over the phone throughout it all. As for how he had learned how to find them, they did not know, but that person's request had been very odd: break Tang Yi-Bai's hand.

He only asked that they break his hand and did not ask for any further grievous injury. Furthermore, he specifically instructed that they were only to injure Tang Yi-Bai and no one else. The man had also told them that a broken bone was legally considered a minor injury, so even if they were caught, they would not be locked up for too long. And also, for the same reason, he requested that even if they were caught, they must take on the full blame and not expose him. In return, they would get a lot, a lot of money.

The hoodlums had at first found him suspicious, but he was very generous so they finally accepted the job.

The police traced the phone number the hoodlums had but found no useful clues. The other party had been very careful whenever he talked with the hoodlums, never ever revealing any personal information. Even his voice had been modified. This, taken in conjunction with all the prior planning conducted by this perpetrator, made the police classify this case as a highly intelligent crime.

There were no other avenues the investigators could pursue at this point, so the police could only approach Tang Yi-Bai again, hoping that he could recall whether there was anyone he had offended or had any disputes of interest with.

Tang Yi-Bai was at a loss. "I really have no enemies. Those who might have disputes of interest with me are Arbussy, Sanger, Bayard and other foreign athletes. Honestly, among the people I regularly encounter, there aren't many who would be capable of such a highly intelligent crime... I think that the one behind all this might not be someone I know. Could it be a stranger who just doesn't like me? Or perhaps he's a crazy Sanger fanatic — since I said I was going to challenge Sanger for to become champion, so he wanted to teach me a lesson?"

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