Untitled Part 59

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Chapter 59 by ryuxenji

When Yun Duo woke up in the morning, she saw a pale green sticky note on her door. In thick black ink, the note read:

I've gone back to the team. Will come find you in a couple of days. Remember to miss me.

There was no signature, but Yun Duo recognised Tang Yi-Bai's handwriting. Besides, there was no one else in this household who would write something like this to her.

In addition to the text, at the bottom left corner of the note, there was also a small sketch of a dog covering its eyes, as if the dog had seen something unbelievable.

What was Tang Yi-Bai trying to say with this sketch? Yun Duo could not guess. Still, his sketch was pretty good. Just a few strokes and the art popped on the paper. Looks like he was not only talented in swimming and math.

Yun Duo took a picture of the note with her cell phone and then clamped the note inside a book. As a reporter, she was used to taking pictures wherever she went.

On the way to work, Yun Duo received a call from Chen Si-Qi. She said the Chen Si-Qi, "I didn't expect you to hold back for so long. I thought you'd call me last night itself to question me."

Chen Si-Qi said, "An extra moment is worth its weight in gold! How could I interfere with my god's plans? That would be too rude!"

Yun Duo was sweating from the awkwardness. She quickly said, "What in the world are you thinking?!"

"? Didn't you two boink last night? What a shame. I was planning to dig for details!" Chen Si-Qi's voice was filled with regret.

In contrast, Yun Duo was about to go berserk. "No! We didn't! And even if we did, I would never share this sort of details with you!" Every time she spoke with Chen Si-Qi, she felt her world view and values crumbling by the minute.

"Fine, fine, I won't ask anymore. But you're really useless. Why haven't you dragged the adonis to bed? You don't know how many women are drooling over his amazing bod!"

Yun Duo silently thought — they had already kissed the very first day they got together. This was already rocket-speed development, alright?

Moreover, she did know how many people were drooling over Tang Yi-Bai's body. Yesterday, she had gone browsing around Tang Yi-Bai's Weibo, and the comments there really knew no bounds in shamelessness. They had truly opened her eyes to a whole new world. After that, she had run away with a red face to a where young students were said to gather. The Tieba she visited was called 'Tang Yi-Bai's girlfriend'. Yun Duo thought, 'Hey, I'm Tang Yi-Bai's girlfriend!' so she decided to take a look! And so she infiltrated the Tieba. There was a starred post on the home page with a title that was both cultured and yet suggestive. Yun Duo could not help but click into the post out of curiosity, and then she almost threw her laptop away in shock. It turned out that this post was an adaptation of an erotic book. The way it was edited was to change all mentions of the male lead into 'Tang Yi-Bai' and all mentions of the female lead into 'me'. There were paragraphs after paragraphs of descriptions of sexual acts. If this type of content was submitted to , it would probably end up being censored to become a string of mysterious characters like '□□□□□□□□'.

Later, Yun Duo silently flagged the post as sexual content and reported it.

Thus, she had already deeply realised the reality of 'many women drooling over Tang Yi-Bai's body'.

Just after ending her call with Chen Si-Qi, Yun Duo arrived at her office. Reporters typically did not have strict office hours — it was fine to come a little earlier or later. Today, she was a little late so there were already quite a lot of people there. Many of them greeted Yun Duo cheerfully when they saw her, their smiles warm and kind.

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