Untitled Part 7

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Chapter 7 by ryuxenji

At nine o'clock in the evening, Teacher Sun showed Yun Duo the headline he had carefully crafted. Of course, this so-called headline was just his subjective opinion right now. In the end, what the headline would be would still depend on the publication company's decision.

Yun Duo had thought that Teacher Sun would definitely set Qi Rui-Feng as the headline — after all, he was a die-hard fan of Qi Rui-Feng. However, when she glanced down at the manuscript, it was about Tang Yi-Bai. In his manuscript, Teacher Sun used the word count of a university entrance exam essay to describe Tang Yi-Bai's arresting performance in the pool. He excavated the light and dark sides of Tang Yi-Bai's history in depth, offering professional analysis on all of Tang Yi-Bai's strengths and weaknesses, and predicted optimistically that: He will become another one of the brightest stars of the Chinese swimming arena.

Yun Duo found it a little hard to believe. "Teacher Sun, your affections have turned so swiftly?"

Teacher Sun responded primly, "I chose Tang Yi-Bai as the headline naturally because Tang Yi-Bai was more suitable to be the headline. We may chase idols in private, but when it comes to reporting news, we must keep a wider view with news in mind."

The theory was simple. Although Qi Rui-Feng had a greater reputation, the competition this time, an annual one just within the country, was really too small a stage for an Olympics champion. No matter how well he did in such a competition, no one would be surprised. As such, all the reporters had been gunning for gossip around Qi Rui-Feng this time. Unfortunately, Qi Rui-Feng seemed to be on alert — though his attitude was as arrogant as ever, he kept a strict guard over his mouth, not revealing anything important that could send the mind spinning.

Compared to Qi Rui-Feng, Tang Yi-Bai was a veritable well of talking points. Even though he was not as well-known as Qi Rui-Feng, the combination of all these hot talking points was enough to draw a significant amount of attention. Moreover, he truly had the results to showcase as well — his explosive performance as the final member of the relay was uncommon even across the entire continent of Asia; it was well worth some lengthy exposition.

Yun Duo quickly figured it all out. Looking at Teacher Sun in admiration, she sighed and said, "Thank you for the lesson!"

When they were done with their manuscripts, the two of them walked out of the hotel to look for a small restaurant nearby for supper.

City-Z was a northern inland city, and its food culture consisted primarily of a myriad of noodle dishes. Yun Duo was a girl used to eating fish and rice ... after flipping through the thin menu twice, she finally ordered a set of . Teacher Sun ordered a bowl of beef ramen.

As they waited for their meals to be served, Teacher Sun said quietly to Yun Duo, "Yun Duo, there's something I need to remind you of."

"What is it? Teacher Sun, you can be frank with me."

"That reporter you were arguing with today, his deputy editor is close with Director Liu of our editorial department. I think that that reporter is the type to cause trouble. Probably even before we return, Director Liu will already know of this incident. You ... prepare yourself."

"Ok." Yun Duo nodded. The relationships among those who worked in the media were very intertwined — offending one person was tantamount to offending a whole group of people. Moreover, what she had done today was obviously a taboo in the industry. It could be imagined that she was likely in for a terrible scolding once she returned.

What a headache ...

Yun Duo rubbed at her forehead. "I understand. Thank you, Teacher Sun."

The steaming bowl of beef ramen was served, and Teacher Sun raised his chopsticks. "Alright, alright, don't think so much about it. Let's eat! I'm starving."

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