Untitled Part 32

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Chapter 32 by ryuxenji

When Daddy Tang arrived home, he saw his son leaning against the doorway of Yun Duo's room playing with his phone. The punk looked like he had discovered something fun — he was grinning softly, biting down on his lower lip, and his eyelashes were fluttering gently. He must have just taken a shower for his hair was still wet, though he wasn't wearing a bathrobe as he typically would. He was dressed in a T-shirt and Bermuda shorts.

Madam Lu whispered to Daddy Tang, "It's so strange. You're not handsome and I'm not pretty. How did we give birth to such a good-looking son? Every time, no matter what he did wrong, I find myself forgiving him so easily when I see that handsome face of his."

Daddy Tang shook his head. "Who says you aren't pretty? You're the most beautiful lady in the world. Haven't you heard the phrase 'daughters resemble their fathers, while sons resemble their mothers'? This means that our son of course takes after you. He's undoubtedly the most handsome boy in the world."

Madam Lu just gave him a sideways stare.

Frankly, in her youth, Madam Lu was a beauty of the subtle sort — her beauty laid in the way she carried herself — not the sort that would turn people's head's at first glance. Tang Yi-Bai's good looks could not be fully ascribed to his mother's influence — it could only be said that this punk was just too talented at selecting the right genetic traits. The shape of his face, the bridge of his nose, and his temperament resembled his mother's, but his eyes and brows resembled his father's. As for his lips, they mostly looked like his mother's, though slightly corrected. Unlike the cold lines of his mother's lips, they looked softer, and when he smiled, they quirked up gently.

In short, he had maxed out his skills in reincarnation, and it came with a self-photoshopping system to boot.

Right then, Daddy Tang saw his son leaning against the doorway of miss Yun Duo's room, so he asked, "Doudou, you've seen Yun Duo?"

Tang Yi-Bai huffed softly in acknowledgement and replied, "She has already seen me."

Daddy Tang did not catch the deeper meaning behind his phrasing, only saying, "Then what are you doing hanging out around a girl's room? Are you harassing her?"

"No," Tang Yi-Bai said, and left to go sit in the living room. When he looked down at his phone again to refresh his friend's feed, he found that Yun Duo had already deleted that post of hers. Tang Yi-Bai smirked and sent a message to Yun Duo:

I've taken a screenshot.

Yun Duo ignored him.

Daddy Tang followed him to the living room and said tenaciously, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You must have seen how pretty Yun Duo is and you're now regretting what you said before. Well, I tell you, it's too late. Don't think that I'll tolerate you harassing our tenant just because you're my son."

Tang Yi-Bai said somewhat helplessly, "Dad, I really didn't do anything."

"Hehe," Daddy Tang smirked coldly, "A father knows his son best. You've always been a rogue since you were a kid. Already bringing a female classmate home with you to do homework together in your first year of primary school. You even brought three at one time!"

Tang Yi-Bai stared at him, speechless. "You're still mentioning that old story? Also, I wasn't the one who brought them home with me. They followed me home."

He was completely innocent, okay? When he had first started school, his primary school had been very close to his house, so he didn't need his parents to send him to school or pick him up after school. Consequently, one day, when he came back after school, he had been followed by some classmates. He had naively thought that everyone just happened to be going the same way, and had even bought the girls some sweet treats with his own pocket money out of friendly kindness. In the end, after finishing the snacks, the girls had collectively followed him right to his doorstep and said that they wanted to work on their homework with him. Thus, when Daddy Tang came home after grocery shopping, he found that there were suddenly a couple more little kids in his home. Daddy Tang was very happy that his son had so many friends (even though they were all girls), so he cooked a lot of food. Only after he was done cooking did he feel that something wasn't quite right and asked if the girls had told their families where they were. Little kids were quick to show their guilt when they did something wrong — the girls really had not informed their parents of their whereabouts.

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