Untitled Part 81

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Chapter 81 by ryuxenji

At the rehabilitation centre, Tang Yi-Bai and Yun Duo were living in a two-bedroom house with a living room. It was not much different than any other small residential house. Bright and early, Yun Duo got out of bed and walked out of her bedroom, only to see Tang Yi-Bai wandering around with just his boxers on. He had a great body which looked perfect from all angles, so he was completely unafraid of showing it off. As he walked, the movements of his long legs made his hips rise and fall, and caused his narrow waist to swing slightly from side to side. Yun Duo was almost struck by a nose bleed just watching him.

She put a hand to her forehead in helpless resignation. "Aren't you... cold?"

Tang Yi-Bai turned to look at her innocently. "No one helped me to put on my clothes." He stated it with an air of great righteousness.

Yun Duo shook her head. "I must have owed you in a past life."

As a career swimmer, Tang Yi-Bai did not think there was anything wrong with his appearance right now. After all, he often appeared in the public eye in just his swimming trunks. Right then, he was not in any hurry to put on clothes, going to wash up first instead.

Yun Duo could only follow after him and help him squeeze out some toothpaste. The two of them brushed their teeth together and then they washed their faces together. Tang Yi-Bai was a one-armed bandit at the moment, so he was cleaning his face like how a kitten would. Yun Duo could not bear to watch any further so she helped him with that, and once his face was clean, she reflexively applied some moisturiser onto his face.

Tang Yi-Bai was disgruntled. "What is this stuff? I don't need it."

Yun Duo ignored his protests and spread the moisturiser evenly over his face, gently patting it into his skin. Although Tang Yi-Bai was still objecting verbally, he was quite cooperative, bending down to make things easier for her. He looked at her and said, "Oh well, you can do whatever you like to me."

After she was done, Yun Duo cupped his face and kissed him on the cheek. "Done, my handsome hunk."

Tang Yi-Bai chuckled and stroked her hair. "Thank you, my little beauty."

After breakfast, the two of them snuggled on the couch to watch a movie together. Halfway through the movie, Dr. Xu brought two people over to see them. One of them had some grey in his hair, while the other had a full head of white hair. Both of them had ruddy complexions. Dr. Xu made some brief introductions. The one with the white hair was his grand-uncle, surname Kang, and the one with greying hair was the youngest son of this grand-uncle, so he was also Dr. Xu's uncle, aged 55 this year.

Grandpa Kang was in good spirits. Though his countenance was stern, his eyes were bright and focused. When he met Tang Yi-Bai and Yun Duo, he merely dipped his head in a slight nod. In contrast, the younger Uncle Kang was much friendlier and more approachable. He shook Tang Yi-Bai's hand and patted him lightly on the shoulder, smiled and said, "We've heard all about you. Well done! We'll definitely do our best to help treat your injury. Not to brag, but there was a 70-year old lady back in our hometown who had fallen down and broke her leg. My dad treated her, and after a month, that old lady could already get up and walk again."

Yun Duo's eyes shone. "So miraculous?"

Uncle Kang nodded emphatically. "Just so! The Kang family is known far and wide for treating bone injuries. Many foreigners come to us seeking treatment. Young lady, let me tell you, my dad doesn't leave home for frivolous reasons. He wouldn't be here if he hadn't heard that Tang Yi-Bai was an athlete and had an upcoming race." As he spoke, he patted Tang Yi-Bai's shoulder again. "Yi-Bai, don't worry. You can leave your bones to us! We guaranteed you'll be back in the pool within a month!"

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