Untitled Part 73

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Chapter 73 by ryuxenji

The dinner on the first day of the Chinese New Year was especially sumptuous. However, the Yun parents knew that athletes could not simply eat pork outside, so they did not make any pork dishes. After dinner, the Yun parents told Yun Duo to take Tang Yi-Bai out and play.

"What shall we do?" Yun Duo asked Tang Yi-Bai.

"Anything is fine."

"Then, shall we go walk around at the Confucian temple lantern festival?"


Before they left, Mama Yun put a knitted red hat on her daughter and pushed the matching set of scarf and gloves to her as well. When Mama Yun saw that Tang Yi-Bai did not have any gloves, she then found him a pair of Papa Yun's sheepskin gloves to wear.

However, a professional swimmer's hands were typically a size or two larger than the average person's. Tang Yi-Bai could not use his future father-in-law's gloves at all.

Frankly, the cold of the North was essentially a magical attack — thick clothes could not keep it out, and wearing gloves was at most a psychological comfort. When it was cold, the cold would still be felt.

Thus armoured, Yun Duo left the house. The streets were brightly lit and thronged with people. They had barely left the house when Tang Yi-Bai claimed that his hands were cold. Yun Duo asked, "So what should we do?"

He hugged her from behind, circling his arms around her to stuff his hands into the pockets of her jacket. "This will do."

This pose... it felt like she had been kidnapped by him. She said, "How are we going to walk like this?"

"Just walk. We're one being."

... how childish!

Yun Duo moved forwards and Tang Yi-Bai stuck close, matching her footsteps. The hands he had stuck into her pockets were restless — they stroked her tummy through her clothes, rubbing twice before lightly scratching.

Yun Duo was tickled and burst into laughter. "Ahahahahaha! Tang Yi-Bai!"

Her shout didn't really matter, but when the people nearby heard "Tang Yi-Bai", they all turned over to look in their direction. When they then saw a tall man with handsome features wearing a face mask, they guessed that there was an 80% chance that this was Tang Yi-Bai. Thus, everyone went nuts and began running over, screaming as they ran, "Tang Yi-Bai!"

That was how powerful the celebrity effect was. Even if you were not a big fan of this particular person, you would still go along with the crowd to take a look, maybe get an autograph or a photo so you could go brag and show off to your friends and family.

Yun Duo was petrified, but Tang Yi-Bai decisively broke their pose and grabbed her hand. "Run!"

Run, run, run, run, run...

Tang Yi-Bai had long legs so his run was effortless, but it wasn't so easy for Yun Duo. The overall feel was like that of a sheepdog dragging a corgi along in its wake. The corgi did alright with the help of the sheepdog — they turned into an alley and very quickly left the mob behind.

Tang Yi-Bai's face mask had come off in the chase. When he saw Yun Duo's face, flushed from the exertion of running, he could not help but smile and flick her forehead with a finger.

Yun Duo rolled her eyes. "I've not settled things with you yet!"

"What do you want to settle with me? Fine, I'll let you touch me too," said Tang Yi-Bai, lifting his shirt up.

Yun Duo's eyes rolled about and she suddenly smirked. Child's play — let me give you a taste of my frozen claws! She reached into his clothes and placed her hands flat against his abdomen, and then she waited for him to spring away like a mouse sighting a cat. She was well acquainted with how a touch of a cold hand on skin in winter felt like.

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