Untitled Part 66

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Chapter 66 by ryuxenji

The resort for the starting athletes were very large, and it was by mountains and rivers. However, it was winter now, so the surface of the lake was frozen and even the mountains were dull and grey. There was only a hint of green from the pines and the cypress. Thus, those who came to the resort in this season were generally there for the hot springs. Still, swimmers were almost soaking in water every day, so they were not that interested in the hot springs.

By the side of white lake expanse, only they were there grilling.

Oh, there was also an old man who was fishing. If a little snow was added to the scene at this time, then it would be a scene straight out of a poem — "A straw-caped man with hat in lone boat light;
Alone, angles cold river in snow white."

It was just a passing thought of Yun Duo, but unexpectedly, like magic, the gloomy grey skies suddenly began to snow.

She stretched out her hands to catch some of the snowflakes and could not help but scream inside: Is this even possible?!

If it was snowing, then they could not continue with their open-air barbecue. Luckily, the resort was fully-equipped and was able to provide them with beach umbrellas. Other than umbrellas, the grilling equipment were naturally also rented from the resort, along with some charcoal. In fact, the resort also supplied ingredients as well, such as marinated lamb skewers or ribs, but out of concerns for food safety, Qi Rui-Feng and the others decided to bring their own food.

Yun Duo saw them bring out piles and piles of things from the trunk — whether it was mutton or vegetables, the food was all skewered neatly and separated into neat categories, arranged in two layers of food-safe plastic bags. There was also a box of seasonings with a very complete set of seasonings inside.

Yun Duo was rather surprised. "You prepared all this yourselves?" It wasn't easy!

Xiang Yang-Yang shook her head, "No. The young cook from the cafeteria helped prepare this."

Yun Duo muttered, "Why does it seem like the young cook is getting a lot of screen time? It's like he's a hidden boss..."

Tang Yi-Bai laughed and flicked a finger against her forehead.

They set up under the beach umbrellas and began grilling. The snowfall was becoming heavier — the snowflakes were as big as fingernails, drifting down everywhere, like there was a fairy scattering white flowers down from the sky.

The fishing old man seemed uncomfortable that his poetic scene of being "a straw-caped man with hat in lone boat light" had been intruded upon by a bunch of foodies. He got up and packed up his things, about to leave. When he passed by the grill emitting thick smoke, the old man's face twitched and he asked, "Do you all want to buy some fish?"

"What fish?" Qi Rui-Feng peered towards his fishing basket and saw that there were about 10 small silver-white fish inside. They were very small, not even the size of the nail of his little finger. His lips twitched, "So small."

The old man explained, "These are smelt. They don't grow much bigger."

Ming Tian: "What a weird name!"

The old man: "..."

Yun Duo said, "Smelt are very tasty! And we won't have to clean its belly and insides. Its digestive system is very small, most of its belly is filled with fish eggs."

The old man nodded and gave Yun Duo an approving look, as if he had found a confidant.

After hearing what Yun Duo said, Xiang Yang-Yang brought a large clean plate over. "Is that so? Then just sell it all to us!"

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