Untitled Part 38

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Chapter 38 by ryuxenji

Yun Duo did not know what was going on, but Lin Zi was very moody today and his temper was short. Cheng Mei was wearing a pretty dress and when she had asked him if she looked good in it, he had instantly snapped 'no', greatly offending Cheng Mei, who had then stormed off with a red face.

Yun Duo secretly checked the state of the stock market. It was doing okay, no signs of collapse. Then what in the world made him so unhappy?

Lin Zi coincidentally saw her checking the market, and he said with a sneer, "Thinking to invest in the stock market just after earning some extra money? A hundred thousand yuan won't even make a ripple in the stock market!"

His tone was really unpleasant, and Yun Duo herself started to feel a little irritated. "Hey, I just wanted to know why you're so angry!"

Lin Zi paused, and then swiftly turned his face aside and said quietly, "Well, isn't it because of you?" His words were still just as aggravating, but the fire behind them was considerably lessened.

Yun Duo was surprised. "How did I make you mad? You might as well tell it to me straight. Beating around the bush and acting weird ... it's not like I can understand you that way! Are you a girl? Needing others to guess what you're thinking?"

He suddenly supported himself against the surface of her desk with one hand, placing his other hand on the back of her chair, and then he leaned down to look at her. The two of them were now very close. Yun Duo was encircled in a very narrow space. As his lanky figure pressed closer, she found herself feeling a little uneasy. His complexion was as pale as ever, and his eyes were narrowed, his gaze cold. She saw her own reflection in his eyes; the expression on her face was rather stunned.

Yun Duo averted her gaze to avoid making eye contact.

He finally spoke, saying, "So you're that great, eh? Daring to fight with a murderer?"

"It wasn't me," she explained, "It was someone else who fought. I only ambushed him once, dealing one hit."

He pinned her with his gaze. "That rumoured boyfriend of yours?"

"Uh, that's just a misunderstanding. He's not my boyfriend."

His rigid arms relaxed slightly, and the corners of his brows smoothened out imperceptibly. He huffed lightly, "Whether he is or he isn't, putting you in such danger, he's a retard overall."

Yun Duo did not like hearing him call Tang Yi-Bai a retard. She explained, "At that time, we did not have a choice. That murderer was crazy, he would have killed anyone who saw him. Tang Yi-Bai actually asked me to leave first."

Tang. Yi. Bai?"

She saw his brow furrow and his gaze became tinted with displeasure. Yun Duo felt that his feelings was probably something similar to the melancholy of 'my good friend has a secret but did not share it with me'. She quickly tried to make up for it by explaining, "We ... just happened to be on the same road."

Lin Zi tsk-ed disdainfully. "Who cares if you two were coincidentally together?" After saying that, he stood up straight and turned about to go back to his own desk.

Yun Duo said from behind him with a smile, "Lin-Lin, are you worrying about me?"

He replied without even turning his head to look at her, "You think too much of yourself."

She was in a really good mood. "You're clearly worrying about me."

"You're being narcissistic."

Yun Duo looked at his thin silhouette and smiled with her hands cupped about her face. "This sister has received a fortune. How about I treat you to a meal?"

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