Untitled Part 6

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Chapter 6: Photo and Team Flower by ryuxenji

Blushing furiously, Yun Duo began ignoring Tang Yi-Bai and company, pretending to fiddle with the camera.

Qi Rui-Feng was somewhat bemused, but as an idol, he did not plan to give his fans too much of his time. As such, right after the photos were taken, he led his brothers away with him.

Yun Duo seized the moment to pull away from them as well, snapping several shots with her camera. Regardless of whether the photos taken could be used, she could at least console herself that their ambush here had not been completely pointless.

Sending off the pantheon of swimmers with their gazes, Teacher Sun asked Lin Zi curiously, "Why didn't you ask Tang Yi-Bai for an autograph just now? It should be easier now. If you wait till he becomes famous, it'll be too late if you want it then."

Lin Zi's expression was still as placid as before. His eyebrows were slightly drooping, making him look very listless. Speaking of which, he seemed to have been like this the whole 10 minutes they had known him, as if his body was waiting for his spirit that had been away wandering in a different dimension to return. Registering Teacher Sun's words, he shook his head and replied, "I'm getting it for my younger sister. Having just Qi Rui-Feng's is enough for her."

Yun Duo was rather surprised. "Your sister didn't come with you to watch the competition?"

He sighed, "She couldn't come."

Yun Duo noticed he looked rather down, as if troubled by some personal matter, so she did not continue asking.

Lin Zi drove Yun Duo and Teacher Sun back to their hotel and the two sides went their separate ways. Yun Duo carted all the flowers back to her room, and the room that had not been that spacious to begin with was soon almost filled to the brim. That done, she began working on her draft before her computer, surrounded by the fragrance of flowers. "Sports Weekly" was published twice a week; additional publications were possible when major competitions, such as the Olympic Games or the World Cup, were being held. Of course, the 'National Swimming Championships' was obviously not yet at the level where additional publications were deserved.

Tomorrow at the latest, she and Teacher Sun would have to send their manuscripts on the competition these past two days back to the editing centre. Yun Duo browsed through the photos she had taken these last two days, trying to find several useful shots.

Looking back and forth, in the end, her gaze settled upon the batch of photos she had quickly captured earlier this afternoon.

Speaking of which, the first person she had interviewed was Tang Yi-Bai, but there was only just this one shot of Tang Yi-Bai in her camera ... she really had no idea what her pig-brain was thinking back then.

This particular batch of photos had been taken from a pretty good angle, one of the shots having been taken at a perfect moment. In the photo, the lines of Qi Rui-Feng's profile was chiselled and well-defined. He was standing tall and confident, while Tang Yi-Bai, who had been walking beside him, had his head bowed slightly, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. The autumn sunlight shone through the golden leaves of the surrounding oriental plane trees to fall upon them. The proud and confident one glowed even brighter under the sunlight, while the gently smiling one seemed even more mellow and humble under the soft lighting. In one photo, two personalities were presented clearly before one's eyes.

Yun Duo could not help but cup her jaw and sigh — what a perfect candid snapshot!

The main characters in this photo were these two — as for the rest, they were fine as long as they did not do anything too disturbing. Yun Duo scanned the picture, and then she saw — on the side of Qi Rui-Feng's body that was further away from the camera, half a body and a head were sticking out. As the focus was not on that person, his face was blurry, but Yun Duo was still able to identify him with one glance. It was that shota-face who had been hanging close to Qi Rui-Feng yesterday.

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