08. michael fucking clifford

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"you need to come to virginia, like, now" maya pouted over the phone.

"honey, i told you i can't swing that with work right now, but i'll be there for the entire week before the wedding"

"there isn't going to be a wedding if luke manages to sneak his way back into emma's life," maya exclaimed, sliding down the wall that separates the kitchen and the living room. "you're good at coming up with plans, and i could really use a "keep luke away from emma" operation right now"

"luke isn't that much of an asshole, babe. she's getting married, he's gotta let her go" michael did his best to reassure his wife, though he figured his words wouldn't bring her any comfort.

maya groaned and peaked her head around the corner in the living room. "you didn't see what happened between them yesterday, and you don't see what's happening between them now — she's literally sleeping on him!"

"like, they're cuddling together?"

"well, no, there's a respectable distance between them.... but they're on the same couch and she's asleep"

"so? she's probably taking an after work nap. don't read too much into it"

"you're missing the point," maya sighed, rolling her eyes at how naive michael could be.

"first it's sleeping next to each other, then it's late night rendezvous, then they're getting drunk together and almost doing something they shouldn't — it's the same damn cycle"

though it wasn't the same cycle, because no one would be falling in love this time — for they were already in love... still in love. but what kind of story would it be if they both knew how the other really felt?

"so they fall back in love and start dating again... is that necessarily a bad thing? you and i both know the breakup was bullshit, babe"

"michael fucking clifford," maya seethed through the phone. "she's getting married! don't tell me you condone emma cheating on caleb"

"of course not, but luke and emma are soulmates, why do you think i gave up on trying to keep them apart? look i gotta start painting the nursery babe, i love you and i'll call you later"

"okay — remember to pick a gender-neutral color! i love you" maya smiled, hanging up the phone and picking herself up off the floor.

"should we get ready to leave?" maya asked, making her appearance known to the group in the living room.

"yeah — i'll wake emma up" luke stood up, brushing over his outfit and sliding his phone into his back pocket.

"no, no, i'll wake her up. you and caleb go get the car started" maya gave luke a smug look and pushed past him, walking towards her sleeping friend on the couch.

the two boys walked out together, laughing and joking like they had been friends for years.

maya gently smacked emma with a pillow, smiling when she groaned and sat up, clearly annoyed with maya's pillow sabotage.

"we're leaving for dinner, wake up" maya grinned and pulled emma to her feet.

emma groaned, knowing tonight would surely be a disaster. "this is such a bad idea, who even came up with it?"

"luke" maya spoke. "he suggested we go to the bar after dinner, too"

"you've talked to him more than i have, is he staying sober? or was getting drunk the other night a reoccurring thing?" emma asked out of genuine curiosity. she didn't know if luke breaking his sobriety was a decision he consciously made, or a lapse in judgement.

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