05. begging her to never stop

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"and then I was all like 'if you don't like it, don't shop here'" maya huffed and shoved another french fry into her mouth, having just finished telling everyone about her rude customer at work this morning. "god, life as a barista is so tough sometimes" she complained, grabbing luke's hand from across the table and playing with his fingers.

it was currently seven pm, and maya had absolutely insisted that ashton and emma accompany luke and her on their date night. they had only planned to grab dinner and watch a movie, but decided dinner and bowling was better for a double date.

emma was hesitant to say yes, not really wanting to intrude on the new couple's plans, but maya was persistent.

so here they sat, at some rinky dink bowling alley with the best food in town. emma was what you could call a picky eater. she was playing with her chicken fingers and pretending to listen to whatever they were talking about.

"how was your night last night, em?" maya asked, nudging emma's shoulder to get her attention. she had noticed her best friend staring into space for quite some time now. "it was alright, nothing special" emma shrugged and dunked her chicken in ranch before taking a bite. her eyes shot to luke when she said that, only to realize his were already watching her.

she diverted her attention to ashton, who was sitting across from her and forced a smile onto her face. she had yet to talk to luke about last night. some things were a little fuzzy, but she very clearly remembered him bringing her to a drug deal. she, obviously, had to wait until she got luke alone. which was proving to be extremely difficult when you have a boyfriend who never leaves your side.

she did not want to tell ashton or maya about her night with luke, it was unintentional and would definitely not be happening again. emma had felt nothing but guilt since waking up this morning. luke had only been in her life for a few days and she was already keeping multiple secrets from both maya and ashton.

"how about you, luke? do anything exciting with your night?" maya questioned, pushing her empty plate of fries away and leaning on her elbows. "just worked is all. some girl got really trashed and one of the bartenders had to take her home" luke took a quick glance at emma and chuckled slightly. he had obviously been talking about her, but the other's didn't know that.

emma narrowed her eyes at him before poking maya in the side and ushering her to move so emma could get out of the booth. "I've got to use the bathroom, i'll meet you all by the lanes" the group nodded and began cleaning up their table.

"I don't know how you can stand working nights all the time, being out past nine is getting to be too late for me" ashton laughed, following luke out of the booth. "I can never fall asleep when I want to. it's either make some extra money or stare at my ceiling all night"

"emma's the same way. poor girl can never sleep more than four hours a night" maya stated, and ashton nodded his head in agreement. while they walked towards their assigned lane, luke couldn't help but trail his eyes over maya's ass.

they hadn't been dating for too long, but the have been talking for nearly six months. luke was never the type to expect sex, but he was hoping to take their relationship to the next level soon. he had been meaning to have a conversation with her about it, just to make sure they are on the same page.

once emma returned, they started the game. luke was up first, followed by maya, emma and ashton.

"I suck at this" emma groaned. she had rolled the bowling ball grandma style and still got a gutter ball. "you're going at it the wrong way, babe" ashton walked over to her and grabbed another bowling ball. he placed it in emma's hands and wrapped his arms around her to try and guide her hand. he pulled her arm back and watched as she released the ball.

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