40. reasons why luke is whipped

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moment of silence for that gif........ ok now onto the chapter

"just give me the address or i'm turning around and going home" luke grunted into the phone, eyes clenched shut as the frustration seeped through him.

"but maya has emma's key! you couldn't just abandon her, so i guess she'd have to stay with you until we come back"

luke choked back a dry laugh and clenched his jaw. "i know what you're doing, and you need to stop"

"maybe you two could get a hotel room... yeah that sounds like a good idea. and you can share a bed this time instead of the couch" michael exclaimed through the phone.

"stop being an ass, mike. the address is 27 willow glen court, only a couple hours away. we'll see you guys soon!" calum chimed in before ending the call.

"so luke and emma are dating?" ellie asked. she was sitting pretty in the passenger seat with her hand intertwined with calum's.

"well, no" maya confessed, leaning forward and resting her hands on her knees.

"are they exes?"

soft laughter sounded throughout the car, maya shushed the boys before focusing on ellie. "technically no, but they have.... history" maya bobbed her head in confirmation.

"and you guys are trying to set them up because..." ellie trailed off. this friend group made no sense, but she was slowly starting to enjoy their company.

"because," michael interrupted, "luke and emma love each other, they just don't know it yet" he stated matter-of-factly.

"and you don't think forcing them to spend time alone when they're mad at each other will make things worse?" ellie scrunched her face in confusion.

"nope," calum smiled. "they can't stay mad at each other, it's a fact"

maya nodded along. "emma's too stubborn to recognize a good thing in her life when's she's got one, so we have come up with a full proof plan to get them back on speaking terms and hopefully together" maya clasped her hands in excitement and smiled broadly.

"we? am i a part of this?"? ellie chuckled nervously. though a small part of her felt excitement storming her body at the thought of being included.

"of course you are! think of it as your initiation into the group, seeing as we'll probably be seeing a lot more of you now" maya motioned towards the interlocked hands as she spoke, causing the couple's faces to turn matching shades of red.

"so, what's the plan?" ellie asked with eagerness. she was feeling way too invested in this for someone who's only met luke and emma once, and it wasn't on the best of terms.

"don't worry, we have a few more hours on the road. i'll tell you everything you need to know" ashton spoke up.

silence had enveloped luke and emma for the past hour. luke refused to play music, refused to talk to her, and refused to make eye contact with her.

emma had been trying to start a conversation, anything to get her through this unbearable car ride. it was painfully obvious this was the last thing luke wanted to be doing, and emma was mentally cursing her friends for forcing them into this situation.

it was awkward beyond belief, emma couldn't even move in fear of making a noise that would only anger the already pissed off boy further.

"so," emma cleared her throat, "how did you get those bruises?" her voice sounded fragile, small. luke made her nervous on multiple accounts, but the ease and comfort she felt when talking to him was something she thought would never falter.

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