45. the end

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"it's been a week, maya!" emma dramatically collapsed onto her friends bed, letting out an exasperated sigh and resting her hand on her forehead. "a week since we agreed to try to be something and he hasn't even kissed me yet" she cried.

"i'm no einstein but didn't luke say he wanted to take it slow?" maya cocked an all knowing brow and tilted her head.

"well, yes-"

"em, you guys have rushed just about every aspect of your relationship up to this point, can you blame him for being cautious? be patient, young one"

emma huffed after hearing a knock on the door. "i am being patient, but a girl has needs" emma shouted as she sulked towards the front door.

no one was there, and a single envelope was placed on the ground. emma stepped outside and scanned the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever left the note.

"what's it say?" maya eagerly appeared over emma's shoulder, pulling her inside and slamming the door shut.

'emma; get ready, someone will be picking you up in one hour.'

'p.s- wear my t-shirt... and those shorts that make your butt look good.'

'love, luke'

"it's.... from luke?" emma stared at the card with red cheeks and a puzzled expression on her face, flipping the piece of paper over to make sure she wasn't missing anything. the cryptic message didn't give her much to go on, but her heart was already pounding a mile a minute.

"why are you still standing here? go get ready" maya urged, pointing to emma's bedroom like a mother sending her child off to their room.

"right, yeah — fuck, i'm nervous" emma wiped her palms on her legs, thanking god that she had shaved last night.

"don't be, it's just luke, you'll be fine"

emma let out a dry laugh, "just luke?" she mocked maya and shook her head. "you make it sound like he's ordinary" with a wave of her hand, emma stuck her tongue out at maya and closed the door to her room so she could get ready.

she searched her drawers, looking for the plethora of shirts that belonged to luke, before tugging his rolling stones shirt over her head. and, as requested, slipped on the shorts that did make her butt look really good.

spending a half hour internally freaking out didn't leave emma much time to get ready. she combed through her hair and swiped on some chapstick before spritzing perfume and slipping on a pair of shoes.

"do i look okay?" emma emerged from her room and did a quick twirl.

"you look hot, luke better be drooling all over you tonight" maya grabbed her car keys and spun them around her finger. "now come on, we're gonna be late"

"you're the person picking me up?" emma couldn't contain her laughter as she followed maya out the door. "why couldn't he do it himself?

"because," maya rolled her eyes and unlocked her car, sliding into the passenger seat and thrusting a blindfold into emma's hands. "it would've ruined the whole plan — just go with it, and put that on!"

emma stared at maya with a bewildered look on her face. "you've got to be joking"

"no ma'am, i'm under strict orders from mister hemmings himself to make sure you wear that" maya instructed, refusing to leave the parking lot until emma obeyed.

"fine" emma gave in and tied the thin material over her eyes.

maya drove for a long time without saying anything, despite having the upmost important news to share with her best friend — that her and michael had kissed (again), though she didn't want to steal this moment from emma, so it would have to wait.

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