Chapter One - No Ordinary Path

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(All Rights Reserved ©2018)

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(All Rights Reserved ©2018)

Chapter One

No Ordinary Path

No ordinary girl was Nevaeh but if you were to ask her she would tell you she was the blandest of bland. Nevaeh had the most brilliant natural and mysterious beauty you had ever seen on any human and even her demeanor was mysterious. Keeping to herself she would daydream; blocking out the world around her. She didn't know but it would be this that would lead her straight into an unknown and secret world hidden from the normalcy and just as mysterious as she. Her long straight auburn - reddish hair with gold tinted strands in the sunlight and dark obsidian eyes made anyone take a second glance at her and that... she hated.

Seventeen years old and about to graduate she still loved her alone time from her forced daily routine. Her parents were well off aristocrats that had enrolled their only daughter into the finest boarding school. Her days were filled with classes, violin lessons and ballet. Yet out of all of this she still preferred to be alone and wonder about the surrounding forest in which her school was centered in.

There she would walk for hours on end singing to herself with a voice only an angel should possess.

Sometimes she would take her violin with her on her walks and play the beautiful melody she loved so much and sing.

Her violin instructor tried to get her to accept a full scholarship to the most prestigious school in the world but she would never give him an answer. Nevaeh only wanted to be a way from everyone at the school and be in the forest.

She planned on moving somewhere deep in the largest forest she could find after graduation but what she did not know was that she would never make it to graduation. No, another path lied in front of her and it was now only a matter of time before it began.

The secret world of mythical creatures lay hidden by their ability to mingle with humans inconspicuously but even some were just like Nevaeh and liked their seclusion and privacy. Thus was for four friends who came together centuries before and now considered their selves to be brothers.

"Nevaeh. Please pay attention," Mr. Brenner called across the room to a day dreaming Nevaeh.

"Yes sir." She forced her self to look back to the front of her math class.

Nevaeh knew everything that her teachers knew. She was impossibly smart and had a photo graphic memory. Her I.q. surpassed even that of Einstein but she knew if she were to take the tests without purposefully answering wrong she would be forced into more spotlights from which she did not desire.
(A/N: Story continues, keep scrolling down.)


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