Being together

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New story will come up soon!!!
Stay tuned.



It's been 1 month since gulf woke up. And finally the doctor has told me that he is perfectly fine. So no more visits to the hospital. And he is good to go back to the school.

When I heard it, I was on cloud nine. I was so happy at that moment that I picked gulf up by his waist and spinned both of us in circles. When I heard the doctor chuckled from behind, I realised where I was and how I should behave. I immediately dropped him.

After saying goodbye to the doctor,we headed straight to our apartment. Yeah!!! You heard that right. We actually shifted everything of our belongings earlier this month. We even bought a lot of furnitures. Well thanks to my daaddd!!!!! Yeah!!! You heard this right too. Manythings have changed this month.

A few days ago I took gulf to our new apartment as he was insisting on going there. When he first saw that house, he was startled. He got pissed with me and refused to shift there. I told him that it's all dad's fault. He gifted this to us a gift to gulf for recovering. Can you blame me for not believing me??? I mean who goes to such grand deeds to impress his son-in-law.

So I took him to our house to let him talk to my dad. My dad requested him to keep the apartment. And as shy gulf canbe, he couldn't deny it in front of my dad. But he argued with me when we left from there.

After everything settled down, my parents insisted on buying the furnitures on their own and I let them do as they please coz nowadays I'm in a too good mood to be spoiled.

So everything is sorted. Gulf's parents also gave the permission to me that I can take him today directly after
the appointment. I was dying to spend some alone time with my baby for all these months.

But My friends had to behave like a dick and they even invited themselves on their own to celebrate this new phase as they call it honeymoon phase.

Honeymoon phase my ass!!!

I know how Gulf acts when he is all serious into his studies and the parts he has missed out I swear he'll be this nerdy and cocky self I hate the most.

But I know I love my baby too much to hate that part.🙊

After parking our car, I took my baby in bridal style though he gave me death glares. I took him to the door and let him open it as he pressed his thumb on the scanner to unlock it.
I placed him down and he suddenly punched in my stomach to act like a dick.

Do you guys honestly think I acted like a dick??

Is it a crime to show my love for my baby???

He inspected all the rooms carefully asif acting like a james bond without his gun only.

When you enter there is a big living area where a big couch and some recliners are placed beautifully. There is a big flat tv facing it. There is a big kitchen just going further. There are also 3 bedrooms for god knows what reasons. I mean I hardly leave gulf's side. But my parents said sometimes we need our space when living together.

When they went extra miles for our comfort, I didn't argue with them like last times. I just want to put down all the fights with my dad. I haven't called him dad yet. But I have accepted him already. Their eyes told me a story all these months looking at gulf lying on bed. I haven't told my baby about my horrible past. I don't know how will he react?? But I'll tell him soon.

When gulf was done investigating,he came to me to tell me it was too much. I just grabbed his waist and pulled him closer. I told him to calm down as it was a gift from his in-laws. He blushed hearing my words. I didn't waist a second and pressed my lips hard on his. His fingers were exploring my hairs. He tugged my hair with each force I deepened the kiss. I honestly can't get enough of his juicy lips. They always taste sweet. Our tongues started swirling in each other's mouth. The intensity of the kiss was so high that we both were hard pressed against each other. He started grinding his erection on mine while fully on clothes. I started moving my hands to unbotton his shirt. I was not even halfway there, the door bell rang.

The Shy Kid(BoyxBoy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora