Will you........???

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It's already been a week since Gulf woke up from coma. It was too overwhelming for me. I cried a lot those days. I was scared he would forget me again. That day when he asked who are you, I was unconscious for a few hours actually. When I woke up,he again was sleeping like I was used seeing him. The doctor told us it happens. May be he'll lose his memory as he didn't recognise any of us. I was so devastated hearing this news.

I stopped singing that day and just cuddled him all day. But then again the day after I thought that no matter he remembers me or not, I'm gonna always be there for him. I even stopped going to college and my parents started arguing with me about how miserable I'm becoming. But their words didn't affect me at all.

Only the three words were echoing in my head.

"Who are you"

I was also scared sometimes thinking about when he'll wake up. I honestly thought I didn't want him to wake up for a second. I'm not used to this at all. The things I possess are always mine. But seeing him not even recognise me broke my heart into million pieces.

What if what the doctor says will be true??

What if he can't remember me??

What will I do??

I can't live like this.

I want my baby.

But I prayed for him to wake up soon no matter if he remembers me or not.

That day I fell asleep with my baby in my arms. I was startled to hear a voice similar with my baby. For first few minutes, I thought I was dreaming when those beautiful brown eyes were looking at me with the same love I have always seen.

But when I came to reality I couldn't believe my baby just woke up.

Everyone came one by one and welcomed him, cried and hugged him. It was a beautiful moment to witness.
Though he woke up that day, still now we are stuck in the hospital. He'll be discharged tomorrow. The doctor told us that he would observe him and when he'll be assured, he'll get him discharged.

Our friends are arranging a welcome home party at his house. I initially wanted it to be in our new apartment which is almost done to stay in. But they said it'll be better to keep the surprise at his house. So everyone is basically preparing since morning.

Gulf is getting bored of staying here after being recovered. Initially he was too weak to even walk when he woke up that day. He almost fainted while using the bathroom. We all got worried and that's when the doctor said it's mostly common after waking up from coma. Then he told us that he would keep an observation on gulf for sometime.

At first gulf got upset about it. He wanted to leave this place ASAP. He even argued with everyone and gave me the best puppy face ever. But I couldn't do anything about it. Afterall it's best for his health. So I convinced him to listen to the doctors. He somehow understood and stopped his tantrums for which I was thankful for. Afterall a pissed gulf is not everybody's favourite.

I have been with him for 24/7. He even scolded me to attend college but I couldn't just leave him after getting him after almost 3 months. So I'm practically a clingy baby nowadays. He isn't complaining about it though. It's like we are trying to forget the separation by getting more close to each other. I can't wait to go on dates with my baby like before.

Thanks to my stepdad we aren't in trouble for not attending our classes. Well Gulf has an excuse. But in my case, just beacuse my bf is in hospital, I shouldn't be the one to miss the classes along his side.

The scar in gulf's forehead is fading a bit by bit everyday. Everytime he looks at it, he looks sad. He tells me that sometimes his head hurts a bit when he stresses too much. Well he is basically worried about his studies. I assured him he'll manage everything just like he always do.

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