Prologue : Kitten Under The Sunlight

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Once upon an orphanage...

Have you ever been grateful for the things you have?


A home

A family


Delicious food to eat

And many other...

Simple right? You may think

Yet many people don't have these simple things

You have no idea how many lonely children are out there

One simple exapmle; those who are in orphanage.


(Y/n)'s POV

I heard the bell ring three times, means it's time to wake up, which i found annoying. It's not like we go to school so why wake up this early? I hugged my pillow and buried my fave onto it, hope to be able to sleep a bit longer but...didn't last long.

"Alright children, it's time to wake up" it was Rosella-San who said loudly throughout the room as she spinned the small bell ring in her hand, earning loud groans from everyone as they slowly got up and walked towards the door. Well....everyone except me.

"(L/n)-Chan?" I heard her voice from closer distant, i rolled my head around and saw her standing by my bed "it's time to wake up" she said rather kindly, despite her rules and being a bit cold to other children, she was kind to me. It's because all the children here have one orphanage headmaster as someone to take care of them. And Rosella-San chose to take care of me

"Mmm but i wanna sleep for noww" my groan was muffled as i buried my face onto my pillow even more. Rosella-San let out a small chuckle as she shoved the blanket away, i felt cold and annoyed "don't be a lazy girl, (Y/n). You'll be late for breakfast. Besides, you guys will find a new friend today" she said in more serious tone. The only thing that caught my attention was the last part of her sentence "new friend?" I asked as i sat up on the bed, she nodded closed eyes, then opened them slowly.

"A new child is going to come to this orphanage"


I walked downstairs to get my breakfast portion. I couldn't wait to see this new child that is coming over to be friends with us, it was the only reason i avoided my sleep and now it's like i wasn't tired at all. Though it's one of the orphanage's rules that all the children must get up the moment the bell runs in the morning, yeah. Even an orphanage far from any city has it's own rules and if we want to stay here and have somewhere to sleep in at night, we have to obey. That's what we'vs been told.

After taking my breakfast portion from Rosella-San, a knock was heard throughout the whole orphanage as all the children stopped running and playing, another headmaster opened the door revealed a man who i assume was the orphanage's driver, he seemed to be waiting for someone to enter first. I walked further to have a better sight among all the crowded children, the door closed behind them. Standing beside the man was a child.

It was a girl?....or maybe a boy?? He had short white hair with bangs that barely reached his...'i've never seen eye color like this before' purple-yellow eyes. His cloths was similar to ours, his head was lowered as he hugged his white tiger plushie.

Author's POV

"You must be the newbie that was supposed to arrive today, Nakajima Atsushi. Am i right?" Rosella asked walking to the boy, he looked up at the woman dressed in white as he slowly nodded. Rosella let out a small smile "everyone, this is your new friend, Nakaiima Atsushi. Treat him the best you can" she looked at the crowded children then back at the albino child "Nakajima-kun" she said, the boy known as Atsushi slowly titled his head up

"From now on, this is your home"

A home, huh?


A/N : to anyone who was my follower from my last acc and following my stories. yeah i'll be updating my stories here since i'm no longer in my last account _icyiris_ . Which means this is my new account and i'll be publishing my stories here ^^ Also, i hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter, specially if you're atsushi's fan, the agency's cinnamon roll ^^ (warning : this story contains abuse and sad topics so if you find these things disturbing, don't read it please) other than that, enjoy and stay safe ^^

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