Renge's Favorite Game

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"Oh Rin!" the giggly voice of Renge called out to me. The Host Club wasn't open just yet, which could mean only one thing: time for a game of Let's Dress Up Rin!

The boys weren't cosplaying today, meaning Renge could dress me as she wished. Casting a glance back at Kyoya, I let her drag me off to the other room.

However, today was a bit different. The moment we were alone, she threw a bunch of questions at me. "So how long have you and Kyoya been a thing?" She giggled as she asked.

"What? We- I- No!" Her question had caught me off guard. Where had she even gotten THAT idea?

She just giggled and rummaged through some clothes, trying to find what awful thing to put me in. "You like him, you like him!" she sang as she pulled out several different outfits.

"I-it's not like that!" I protested as I looked at the first one she'd chosen. It was the first thing she'd dressed me up in. "Where did you get that idea?"

"Come on! I saw you two getting all cuddly in your room at the beach!" She just kept giggling. It was almost annoying.

"It wasn't like that..." I sighed, deciding to tell her what really happened before she came up with some other crazy idea. "He was lecturing me. I got upset. He comforted me. End of story. No love, no cuddling, nothing."

"He's quite fond of you though. You sure you don't like him?" Renge kept asking that question. As far as I knew, I hadn't given off any signs that I felt anything for him.

"Actually... I... I'm afraid of him..." I quietly admitted, turning my gaze away from her. Renge immediately caught on to the fact that there was something that I wasn't telling her.

"Why? Kyoya's not a bad guy. Sure he's a little mean sometimes, but he's good at heart," she said, sticking up for him, though I hadn't said anything bad about him. Stepping away from where she'd been digging through clothes, she placed her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye.

"Hey Renge? If I tell you something, can you keep it secret?" She nodded quietly. "Not a word leaves this room, alright?" Nodding again, I told her all about that day with Kyoya. She seemed pretty surprised that he'd do something like that to anyone.

"Who knew Kyoya had such naughty thoughts in his mind?" she said, then suddenly got all happy. "I know just the thing to put on you now!"

What has she got in mind this time? I thought as she undid the bun I'd put my hair up in and frantically searched for the monstrosity that she would force me into.

Despite my earlier fears, Renge had put in something decent. In fact, I think I even liked it. It was an icy blue, sleeveless, knee-length dress. She'd let my hair hang down and merely adding a bow identical to the one she always wore. Altogether, it looked great. It made me look so sweet and innocent, like an angel.

"Wait'll Kyoya sees this! He'll be totally speechless!"

I just laughed at the thought. It almost made me curious to see how he was going to react.

The Host Club had been open for a while now, so there was already quite a few guests present. As I walked out into the room, I caught the attention of most of the people in the room. Nearly every girl in the room flocked to my side.

"She's just so adorable!"

"Just like a little doll!"

During class, it had always been so easy for them to forget that I was a whole year younger than they were. But when Renge dressed me up this time, it made me look younger, giving me that sweet child-like look similar to Honey's appearance. This resulted in the girls fawning over me like I was their little sister. It was a nice change.

Through the crowd, I managed to catch a glimpse of most of the hosts' reactions. Mori didn't seem to show any reaction. Haruhi had the "Eh, that's cute" kind of look on his face. Honey and the twins couldn't be seen, but it wasn't hard to guess their reactions.

Tamaki had reacted as anyone would guess he would. "She's so cute!" he said in that energetic and slightly high pitch voice he used whenever he was excited about even the tiniest thing. He pulled me into a crushing hug like he often did to poor Haruhi.

"Tamaki!" I protested, squirming in his grip. As I fought against him, I managed to get a look at Kyoya. Renge might have actually been right.

He was watching the scene with a look on his face that I'd never seen on him before. It was almost like he was stunned. Seeing him like that made me wonder what was going through his mind. He wasn't speaking, so he had to have been thinking something, right?

"Told you so."

Yeah, you said it Renge. He really does look like he's speechless.

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