First Day At Ouran

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Ouran wasn't quite what I'd expected. I'd expected a bunch of those snobby rich kids that you usually saw in movies and on TV. Most of them turned out to be quite friendly. Though I didn't have much time for friends outside of class time.

"This might be better than I thought," I said to myself as I sat down at my desk in class 1-A.

"Looks like we have transfer student," a pair of voices said, one coming from each side of me. "This could be fun."

"Hikaru, Kaoru, don't be bothering her on her first day," another voice warned. My guess was they were a friend of the other two.

"Where's the fun in that?" the voices of Hikaru and Kaoru said. Stepping around to the front of me, they turned out to be twins.

"I'm Hikaru," said one, then he pointed to the other. "That's Kaoru."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Rin Sayoki," I informed them.

"Is it just me or-"

"-does she sound like Kyoya-senpai?"

The name caught my attention. I didn't mention that I knew the person they were talking about.

"I don't think we could handle a second Kyoya," the third voice said, joining the conversation. "I'm Haruhi."

"It's nice to meet you," I said, keeping my more business-like self on the outside. Thinking about it, I wondered how they knew Kyoya. He was a year above them, so it couldn't be from classes. I decided to play stupid and act like I didn't know him. "If I might ask, who is this Kyoya you mentioned?"

"Come to the Host Club later-"

"-we'll introduce you to him."

Later I had to meet with Kyoya, so I had no time for a Host Club. "Forgive me, but I must meet with someone later today. Therefore I am unable to visit your Host Club." It wasn't likely that the two were the same Kyoya, and I couldn't risk not showing up. Not with the whole mess with my father. "Perhaps another time."

"She's a female Kyoya!" The twins repeated their earlier thought, irritating me.

"I'm nothing like that-" I cut myself off, knowing that insulting him could possibly cause more trouble for me and dad. Then I snapped back into business mode. "While he and I may seem similar, we truly are very different."

"Sounds like you know him," Haruhi observed. "How do you know you're that different?"

"I don't."

I ended up spending the rest of the day keeping to myself, even going so far as to skip lunch to do my homework, since I figured I may not get to later.

Ok, it's time to meet Kyoya, I reminded myself. Music room 3, I believe he said. Hopefully, I don't have to stay too long or dad will-

I had to stop my thought right there. I'd forgotten that I wouldn't be going home. Because of the arrangement between our fathers, I'd be staying with Kyoya and the rest of his family for a while. The thought of it made me start to tear up a little.

There's no time for this, I told myself, forcing the emotions back and going back into business mode. I can't be late. Not on the first day. I rushed off to find the place where I was supposed to meet him.

It didn't take long to find the room.

Calming my nerves, I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Welcome to the Host Club!"

Damn it.

Follow Orders Or Follow My Heart? (Kyoya Otori Story)Where stories live. Discover now