The Middle Brother

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For a while, things in the Otori home were fairly uneventful. I really didn't mind. In fact, it had been pretty nice. Of everything though, there was one thing that bothered me.

I hadn't seen my father since I'd started staying here over a month ago. We had been all the other had. Until now, the two of us were in our own little world, but we were happy that way. Now, we were far apart.

I hope dad's doing alright, I thought as I sat on my bed. Lately, I'd been pretty down because of having to be so far from my family. For almost ten years, we'd never really been apart. I wish there were some way I could talk to him. But he's always so busy, I couldn't really bother him just say hello.

Hopefully, the way I was feeling would go away soon; before anyone had the chance to notice. Emotions are not something I'm good with. The most I've ever done with my emotions was just lock them away in a secret part of my heart and leave them there, never to be let out.

Earlier today I'd claimed I was feeling ill and headed off to my room for the night. If my guess was correct, the Otoris assumed I'd just went to bed. Of course, that wasn't what I'd really done. Feeling sick had just been an excuse not to deal with any of the Otori family for the night.

"Rin?" the voice of the middle brother asked, entering my room and quietly closing my door.

I quickly got my emotions under control, putting a mask over them. He sat down next to me, leaving little space between us. Uncomfortable with him being so close, I shifted over a few inches.

Seeing this, Akito pushed me backward onto my bed, climbing on top of me. My entire body just froze. I'd never been in this kind of situation before. I'd never even been kissed or even gone on a date.

I had no idea what to do. My breath caught in my chest as he stared down at me. All I could do was watch him as his face got closer to mine. But, just before his lips could touch mine, the sudden sound of the door opening made him stand up instantly. To make it look less suspicious, he'd pulled me up with him.

Lucky for him, it had just been Kyoya and he hadn't seen what his brother had been about to do. Without a word said between the two, Akito left the room. This left me alone with the youngest brother.

I sat quietly on the edge of the bed as he approached me. Silently wondering why he was here, I couldn't help but feel like I didn't really want to know.

"Since I will be out tomorrow, I have requested for you to accompany me as my personal assistant for the day," he said in his usual emotionless voice. "That is if you wish to."

Something seemed off. In all the time I'd spent here so far, no one in the family ever asked if I wanted to do anything, let alone give a choice of not doing something they asked. Kyoya's older sister was the only exception to that.

"Do I really have a choice or is that your way of being polite?"

"See it how you will. That much does not concern me," he said. Typical Kyoya. Never doing anything without some motive. I wondered what it could possibly be this time. "However, I would advise that you do accompany me, as it will be in both of our best interests."

I just nodded, figuring it'd be much better to agree to what he wanted rather than risk causing any trouble.

Kyoya Otori, just what little trick do you have up your sleeve?

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