Hello Beautiful

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 Kyoya just stood there. He almost looked as confused as I was. Then I realized why this was happening. Tamaki... you and your crazy ideas... No doubt this was some crazy scheme the Host Club had come up with. Thought the fact that they managed to keep a secret from the one person who usually knew just about everything was almost a miracle. Or just pure luck.

Glancing about, it was very clear that there was no way out of this one. Only now did I notice how quiet it was. But if you think about it, everyone was watching to see what would happen.

No doubt that almost every single one of them had heard about how I had "rejected" him. Though that wasn't entirely accurate. It wasn't like he was confessing his love anything like that, so I was merely rejecting his apology for the things that had happened between us. He didn't feel that way, right?

Seeing that nothing was happening, Tamaki had Mori give Kyoya a little push. What were they trying to do? As if to help this along, the music started to play again. I hadn't even realized it had stopped. After a moment, Tamaki began his singing again.

Hello my beautiful,

It seems I just can't stay away

After a quick glare at the blonde Host Club king, Kyoya extended his hand to me. He didn't speak, but in this situation, there wasn't much else he could possibly mean.

It's been so very long

That I've felt anything this strong

When I didn't move, I felt someone's hands on my back. If I had to guess, it was likely Renge. This impatient person gave me a push just a bit too hard. I stumbled and fell forward onto the boy standing right in front of me.

Hold my heart the way you did an hour ago

I've said all I can say, and yet I must be sure you know...

Looking up at his surprised face, I quickly stepped back. Renge's interfering words came to mind as I watched the look of surprise turn to a smile. I knew Kyoya much better than most, so I could tell that this was one of the few times that it was real. So when he held out his hand to me again, I took it without even thinking about it.

That I love, love, love you

I need, need, need you

I long, long, long to hold you in my arms again

Dancing with Kyoya Otori... Who would have thought? If I'd had any idea something like this would happen, I wouldn't... No, I think I wouldn't have minded. It's kinda funny how things change like that. If not for that arrangement between my father and Kyoya's, all of this and every up until now would never have happened.

Thinking about that now, I was reminded of something I'd like to forget about. I had made a new arrangement with Mr. Otori; one that meant I would be marrying one of his three sons. Of course, getting close to Kyoya could be good for that; assuming that it would be Kyoya that is chosen. But what if it wouldn't be... that's a scary thought. This was why I had been avoiding him until now.

"Rin?" Kyoya's voice sounded concerned as I brought my focus back to what was going on. "You seem troubled."

I looked up at him, feeling a bit nervous. Kyoya had no idea what was going on. "It's nothing... I... I'll tell you about it later..."

He let it go and tried to maintain a smile. I didn't really want to tell him yet, but it was too obvious that something was troubling me. And with all Kyoya knew, he would likely make the connection that it had to do with why I was avoiding him.

I'm so, so sad to...

Ever hurt, hurt, hurt you...

And I'm more afraid of losing you than anything before

Please can I have one more...


"Meet me outside in a bit," I told Kyoya as the music ended. We were now free from our forced dance. With a slight bow, we went our separate ways. I watched as he disappeared among the crowd.

The crowd seemed displeased about this; they probably were hoping to see a kiss or some spectacular confession of undying love or some other romantic thing that I was hoping wouldn't happen. Me? I was glad it was over and anxious about what I was going to say to him. The arrangement was kept secret from him because of my choice. How could I tell him? Could I really tell him that even if I felt something for him, I could still end up married to his brother?

Follow Orders Or Follow My Heart? (Kyoya Otori Story)Where stories live. Discover now