I Don't Care

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"It's such a nice night..." I said to myself as I looked up at the stars. "The full moon is always so beautiful..."

"Just like you are," a voice added. I'd thought I was alone, but I guess I'd been wrong.

As sweet as his words were, I'd rather not have heard them. "The moon will always be the most beautiful." I didn't want to believe that I could feel anything for him. Not until I knew for sure if he was the one who would be chosen. Sure, he was obviously the most likely one, but that didn't mean anything.

"Rin... what is it that is troubling you?" Kyoya asked as he stood there next to me. I avoided looking at him except out of the corner of my eye, and he appeared to be doing the same.

"Did your father tell you anything about the agreement we'd made?" Better to hurry up and get this over with. Kyoya was quiet a moment before confirming that he knew nothing. "We agreed that after I'd graduated, I would marry one of his three sons. By making that agreement, your father stated that the debt would be considered paid."

Kyoya didn't say anything. Must have been thinking the situation over. It was a lot to take in at once. He could possibly be stuck in an arranged marriage without even knowing about it. "Which of us was chosen?"

"I don't know." That only seemed to confuse him. It only made sense though, I probably should have known that much.

"Why don't you know?"

My next words had to be worded very carefully. Say the wrong thing and there could be trouble. "I chose to leave that decision with your father. It felt wrong to choose one of you over the others. This way, the blame for any problems wouldn't be on me."

"So it could be any of my brothers or myself?" It was more like a statement than a question. He glanced over at me briefly before looking out ahead of us.

"That's what is bothering me."

He thought a moment before speaking again. "Logically, I would be the best candidate."

"True. But even if I let myself love you, there's a chance that I could still end up with your brother."

That was when he finally turned towards me. "Do you have feelings for me?"

I froze. Did I? Until now, I'd denied feeling anything towards Kyoya. But was I just lying to myself, hoping that if I kept saying it that it would make it the truth? After quickly thinking about everything that happened, the answer was quite obvious. The unquestioning faith I'd had in Kyoya... The way I'd never been angry at him for anything even when I was afraid of him... It all added up to one thing. "Yes."

"So be mine," Kyoya said, taking my hands in his own.

You say it as if it's that simple... I turned my eyes away from him. "Kyoya... I... What if it's your brother who's chosen and not you?" There were no guarantees that he'd be the one. If he wasn't going to be, then it would be better to not even try. Better safe than sorry. That's what I usually say, but is it really true for this situation?

"I don't care." Normally that would be considered such a heartless thing to say, but right now I couldn't help but smile. Maybe it really didn't matter at all.

Before I had a chance to say anything at all, I was pulled into his arms. This was just like before, but this time I was happy to go along with it.

(Renge's POV)

As I watched Kyoya kiss Rin, I couldn't hold back a smile. "I totally knew she liked him," I said cheerfully as I turned around. I found myself face to face with one of my classmates. "Hey Toshiro!"

"Um... would you like to dance with me, Renge?"

Those two totally belong together! I thought to myself as I walked away with my blonde-haired friend.

Hard to believe it, but this is the end. It's been a fun (and for me, frustrating) tale. By the way, I really hated writing this chapter. Should have just ended it in the last chapter instead. But then there'd be some people who complain about her not telling Kyoya and all that. Oh well. I hate this chapter. End of discussion.

Now, I know I don't say if she ends up with Kyoya or not, but if you check out The New Host Club, you can find the answer there. The New Host Club is basically the sequel for all of my Ouran love stories.

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