A Party?

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(Kyoya's POV)

Rin was here. I wasn't sure what I should feel. Since the incident with Akito, we hadn't said a word. She'd even been avoiding me; even completely leaving without even so much as a goodbye.

It was my understanding that she and my father had come up with an alternate arrangement. But no matter how many times I ask, the details of this new agreement were denied to me. It make me wonder what it was. Could it have been that he... no. My father was fond of her, but he wasn't the kind of man to do anything shady. So why refuse to tell me?

Remembering where I was, I pushed all my thoughts aside. All eyes were on us as she approached me. My heart was beating faster than I'd ever remembered it had. "May I help you, miss?" I was struggling to keep myself calm like I was supposed to be. I could only hope it didn't show.

Rin appeared to be exactly the same. Why? More than likely it had been because of what happened. "You dropped this in the hallway, Mr. Otori." She held up an all too familiar notebook. I'd been too distracted to even notice it had been missing.

She still refused to call me by my name. It hurt that even now she still couldn't. Still keeping my composure, I took it from her hands. "Thank you Miss Sayoki." It felt strange calling her that. But when you considered the current circumstances, calling her by her first name didn't seem appropriate anymore.

When she turned and started to walk away, I couldn't stop myself. "Rin!" I rushed forward and grabbed her hand. Realizing what I'd just done and where I was, I almost let go immediately. However, I didn't want to listen to what my head was telling me to do. What I wanted to do more than anything right now was hold her and tell her how I felt.

She just stared at me with that unemotional face she often used when she was nervous or upset. It's now or never... Acting on impulse was something I didn't usually do, but at that moment, I didn't care. I pulled her into my arms, hugging her tight.

(Rin's POV)

My entire body froze. This wasn't like Kyoya. "K-Kyoya? W-what are you doing?" My voice was shaky, for many reasons. His grip on me tightened.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Rin..." His voice sounded so broken, it almost made me want to forgive him. But then again, what exactly was he saying he was sorry for? Sorry he took my first kiss and almost took much more than that? Sorry for making me help out the Host Club and forcing me to wear such awful cosplay? Or was he sorry that he'd ever met me? Sorry that he'd bothered to rescue me from Akito? Just what are you sorry for, Kyoya Otori?

Forcing my body to start moving again, I pushed him away and said the only words I could manage to say. "It's too late for sorry."

I left him standing there with everyone staring. As soon as I reached the door, I was stopped by Renge. Despite my protests, I was forced to stay at the Host Club. However, I avoided Kyoya and any questions I was asked about the subject.

As I sat with Honey and Mori, I overhead some girls talking with Tamaki. "Is it true that you'll be playing piano at the party?" Party? This was the first I was really hearing about it.

"Why yes my princess." Typical Tamaki. I let out a small laugh.

"Will you be singing at the party as well? Some girls were saying that you might." Tamaki singing? Hard to imagine. Could he even sing?

"If my princess wishes it."

"Rin?" Honey's voice called me back to the conversation in front of me.

"Are you going to the Host Club's party too?"

"Everyone's going to be there."

"Even all the boys will be there too."

"Please Rin?" Honey asking me to go made me want to say I would. But there was one problem: Kyoya. I didn't want to see him, but how could I possibly say no to that adorable blonde boy?

"Only for you," I said with a smile and ruffling his hair.

Follow Orders Or Follow My Heart? (Kyoya Otori Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن