Will You Dance With Me?

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Even after all the time I'd spent with Host Club, I still wasn't used to being in such a crowd of people. I doubt that anyone in the high school didn't come. It wasn't hard to feel very out of place.

As he had said he would, Tamaki played the piano a bit. I noted that he hadn't done any singing yet. Perhaps he was waiting for a certain time. For now, he was wandering around among the guests.

Everyone seemed to be happily chatting with their friends. Seeing that made me remember that in this crowd, I really didn't have friends. No... that wasn't quite true. Haruhi was my friend, but he was nowhere in sight.

There was Honey who was like a brother to me, though I wasn't sure if I should consider him like a little brother or a big brother since he was older than me but acted younger. It was a funny thought. But like Haruhi, I couldn't see him through the crowd. When I'd first gotten here though, he'd greeted me with a hug, so I was content.

Renge really was my friend too, considering everything. Despite being a bit of a pain at first, she'd really grown on me. She would always find a way to mess with things that had nothing to do with her, but in the end, she'd helped much more than I realized at the time.

Unlike the others, I spotted her talking with Tamaki. That was strange for her, but then again it would make sense. This was the Host Club's party and technically she was part of the Host Club. She stopped a moment to wave to me and continued her discussion with the Host King.

With Renge, there was one thing I wasn't too thrilled about: she always made me think of Kyoya. There were many reasons why that was bothersome. The most important one at this moment was the result of the last time we'd talk about him. Since then, I'd been wondering if maybe I'd been a little too hard on him. Would it really have been that bad to- No, I won't even think about that right now.

My conflicted thoughts on how I felt about Kyoya were interrupted by someone tapping on my shoulder. I turned around to find the same red-haired boy that I'd run into a couple of weeks ago. Since then, we'd talk a few times. "Hey Kasanoda," I said with a smile. It was nice to see someone I knew.

At that point, Tamaki had started playing again. This time, however, he began to sing as well.

Come here and stand by me baby

Close enough to reach out and pull you still closer

All that is swelling within me

Must be a language I've never spoken til there was you

I fumble, try but I stumble

Over all that my heart wants to say now

As the song played, the two of us talked. About halfway through, Kasanoda asked a question. "Uh, Rin? Would you like to dance?" I hesitated. No one had ever asked me that. To be honest, I wasn't sure I really knew how to dance. Noticing my confusion, he added something else. "I was hoping I could dance with Fujioka, but it would be too weird for him to dance with a guy so I thought..."

Accepting his offer, I soon found myself in the middle of the room. Being a quick learner, I turned out to be much better than I'd originally thought.

Je n'ai pas de mots

Nothing seems to say the way you move me

Rushing through me

Je n'ai pas de mots

But a promise has been made

You can believe this

From the first kiss

It's good that I don't have to speak to know that it's real

Je n'ai pas de mots

As the song ended, Kasanoda turned me away from him and gave me a light push. When I turned around to ask why, he'd disappeared. Glancing about, I noticed everyone else had stopped and formed a big circle; a circle that I was currently in the middle of. I turned around to try to figure what was going on and found myself face to face with someone I'd hoped I could avoid.

Standing there in the middle of the tight circle was Kyoya Otori.

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