Kyoya's Notebook

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I can't believe I overslept... Apparently, I'd forgotten to set my alarm last night and now I was last for school.

As I rushed through the empty hallway, I noticed something laying on the ground. I stopped a moment and looked it over. It was a notebook. Or, more specifically, Kyoya's notebook. Having spent so much time around him, I could recognize it easily. Opening it to a random page and recognizing his handwriting, I confirmed it as being Kyoya's.

I couldn't just leave it there, but I didn't like the idea of seeing Kyoya either. There was no reason for me to be afraid of him anymore, but I still was just a little scared. That wasn't the reason I didn't want to see him though.

For now, I just kept it with me until I decided what to do with it.

When it came time for the Host Club to open, I'd decided that it was my job to return it to him. Regardless of my feelings, it was what needed to be done.

Along the way, I ran into someone. He was tall with red hair. I'd seen him around here every so often, but I didn't really know who he was. "Sorry about that. Are you alright?" the guy asked.

"I'm alright. It was my fault, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Remembering that I didn't know him, I introduced myself. "I'm Rin."

"I'm Kasanoda," he told me, before stopping a moment to think. "You wouldn't happen to be the girl Fujioka was talking about the other day, would you? The one who used to help out around the Host Club?"

I was a bit surprised that he would know that. After more words, the two of us ended up at the Host Club.

Placing my hand on the door, I felt a fluttering feeling in my chest. Kyoya would be in there. I hadn't spoken to him since the fight with Akito. And then there was the awkwardness I felt anytime he crossed my mind because of our new arrangement.

Forcing the feelings to the back of my mind, I pushed open the door. As soon as I was in the room, his eyes were on me. I'd practiced in my head what I was going to say, but now my mind was blank.

What could I possibly say to Kyoya when I knew what I knew? Instead of paying off my father's debt, Mr. Otori had decided that I would marry one of his sons. He offered me the chance to choose, but I left the decision to him so I wouldn't know until after I'd graduated. Of course, it was obvious who his choice would be.

After all, who had I spent the most time with? Who was closest to my age? Who did I get along with best because of those two things? Who was it that had protected me from his brother, without even giving it much of a thought?

There was no doubt in my mind that Kyoya would more than likely be chosen as my future fiance, and he didn't know anything about it.

Follow Orders Or Follow My Heart? (Kyoya Otori Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora