Renge And The Host Club

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"You're late Rin," the voice of Kyoya informed me.

"Forgive me Mr. Otori," I said, bowing my head slightly. "It took me longer to find my way than I anticipated."

"I thought you didn't know Kyoya-senpai," said a familiar pair of voices.

This couldn't possibly get worse, I thought to myself. Little did I know, the twins weren't the ones I had to beware of.

"Strictly speaking, we don't really know each other," Kyoya answered for me. "She is here solely because of an arrangement between her father and mine. To help pay off her father's debt, she is serving as an assistant to the Otori family. Her attendance at Ouran is reliant on this arrangement. Once the debt is paid, she will return to her life as normal."

"So she's like Haruhi and the Host Club?" the twins asked.

"In the way that she owes money and is working to pay it off. However, Haruhi's tasks are limited to the Host Club. Rin also is required to do any task that any of my brothers, my father, or myself ask of her."

After Kyoya had finished explaining the situation to the other Hosts and introducing me to each of them, I met the one person that would more than likely be more trouble than the twins.

"Ooh... She's adorable! But she should dress up with the rest of the Host Club!" said the voice of a very energetic girl. Something told me she was borderline psychotic, but I had a feeling that if she was, she wouldn't be here. "Come on Rin! Let's go dress you up!" She grabbed my arm and starting dragging me off to another room.

I looked to Kyoya, silently begging him to stop her. "Have fun Renge," he said with that business-like smile of his.

Someone help me! I said silently. The hosts weren't even dressed up today. All of them were wearing their normal school uniforms, so what could Renge possibly dress me up in?

"Renge, I'm not a doll! You can't just dress me up like this!" I protested as she figured out what to put me in.

"Kyoya said to and you have to do what he tells you!" she countered with that crazy grin of hers.

"But the rest of them aren't dressed up!" The argument wasn't a very good one, but it was all I had. She was right about what she'd said about having to do what Kyoya told me.

"You can't work in the Host Club in your school uniform or you just look like one of their guests!" She said, pulling out what she wanted to dress me up in.

When Renge was all done dressing me, she took my uniform and ran out of the room. Now I had no choice but to walk around the Host Club like this.

What I'd ended up in was a black skirt that was much shorter than anything I'd ever worn in my life. It went down to about a few inches above my knees, but that was too short for my tastes. The shirt she'd chosen wasn't much better. It was just a plain, white button-up shirt with short sleeves. However, the buttons didn't go all the way up to the collar ask you'd expect. The only went up high enough to cover my breasts, though some of my cleavage was still slightly visible. Not to mention it was one of those fitted kinds of shirts that I never wore.

It was so awful, I wanted to cry. "I did not agree to this!" I whined to myself as I stood in the empty little room, too afraid to go out in front of the others. If you can't tell already, I'm extremely shy about my body.

No matter what I did, nothing made it better.

"Kyoya Otori this is not acceptable!" I ranted to him. Luckily, there weren't any guests at the time. My voice made me sound like I was on the verge of tears, and I could hear Haruhi laughing at my spazzy, whiny complaint, but I ignored it. "I don't mind Renge dressing me up, but this is too much! I'll go along with anything you ask, but I did not agree to this! I've never worn anything so... so..."

"Cute?" the twins suggested, but they were way off. By my standards anyway.

"Disgustingly revealing! I will not put up with this!"

After I'd finished my little rant, he did something I hadn't expected. He laughed. Immediately, most of the other hosts were laughing as well.

"It's not funny," I snapped at them. Then, realizing who I was talking to and remembering why I was here in the first place, I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves. "I may be overreacting a bit, but everyone has their limits." I turned to face Kyoya before I continued speaking. "Mr. Otori, while I am here because of your request, it is not necessary for me to be here."

He'd stopped laughing at this point and was back to that businessy personality of his. "If you are that insistent on it, then I will have a word with Renge." He paused a moment as he made a note in that book of his. "Though I must warn you, if the Host Club dresses in a way that will require you to appear a certain way, you will have to go along with it despite your personal feelings." Meaning: if they cosplay and the only corresponding costume is equally as offensive as I felt this one was, I had to go along with it anyway. Whenever they just wore their uniforms, that would be the only time I'd really get my way.

Not exactly a win, but it was at least something.

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