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"Oh my god! Did you see? There's Arius right there!" A girl pointed to a young man while talking with her friend.

"Ah, he is so handsome!"
"I want him as my husband"
"Who doesn't?" The two girls giggled and fantasised about their dream man.

Arius was indeed handsome. Many girls swoon at the sight of him. He was popular wherever he went. Golden hair, bright blue eyes, a shining smile, he was deemed as the definition of 'perfection'. And this is not just because of his looks, but also due to his kind and warm personality. Not to mention how smart he is.

Too bad Arius is not interested in getting in a relationship. He has two younger sisters in which he has to take care off. He has no time to think about petty things.

Arius arrived at his house with a basket of fruits in his hands.

"I'm home. Madam Halsey visted the town today and gave me these fruits." Arius greeted his mother. Madam Halsey is plump, middle aged woman from a noble family with a long history in the empire. The town Arius lived in is part of her family's territory.

"Did you thank her?" His mother took the basket from him and set it on the table.

"I did. She sent her regards to the whole family. She also mentioned that she would be delighted to teach Lucy embroidery again."

The woman smiled. Embroidery was a noble's thing. It's rare for a commoner to learn it. Well, she herself is not quite a simple commoner.

"That's great. Now go wash up."
And so Arius left her alone in the kitchen. Athy looked outside the window to see her two daughters playing together in their backyard. A grown man was seen chasing them around as it seems like they were playing tag.

Athy opened her window and shouted, " Dinner's ready! Come inside quick, the sun is setting!"  All three of them walked back inside their humble home, each of them taking a seat. They started eating while having an idle chat. Arius joining them not much later.

Athy looked at her family members. It surprised her to see that she was still alive. It was all thanks to her beloved husband Lucas. She couldn't believe that her eldest son was now 16. She's at her happiest even though she has no maids nor does she live in a palace. This simple commoner's life is all she needs.


At the end of the library stood a girl holding a few books in her hands. It was late but the girl was still skimming through the bookshelves while looking for the perfect book to read. Usually the librarian would dismiss anyone alse but because of her status, the girl was allowed here for as long as she wants.
"Your highness, dinner is about to be served. Everybody is waiting for your arrival"

"You're right, it's closing time. Put these on my table in my room" she said while handing the books over to the maid.
Princess Oriella de Alger Obelia, the only princess of the Obelian empire, was matured,smart,headstrong and beautiful. Contrary to her mother who had a cheerful and bubbly personality, she was more reserved and calm.
Her silver hair flowed as she walked down the halls. The palace maids greeted her as she continued her way to the dining hall.

"Ella! You've finally arrived!" Her mother beamed at her as she took her seat.
"Yes, mother. Shall we begin our meal?"

At the end of the table she could see her grandfather, the emperor of the Obelian empire, Claude De Alger Obelia. He waved to the servants to serve their dinner.

She continued to eat while listening to her mother's stories. Her father silently listened as well. Then,he opened his mouth to speak.

"How was your day, Ella?"
"It was fine.I learned a new topic during my lessons today. I really like my new tutor. Thank you for finding me a teacher, grandfather." She said to the aging emperor.

"It was nothing," was all he replied with.

Oriella was used to this and just hummed at his response.

That night after finishing her meal she returned to her quarters and immediately dismissed all her maids.
After closing the door Oriella sunk to her knees while holding her head.She needed to think of a plan, as quick as possible. She's running out of time.Her debutante is just a year away and she could feel her heart beat faster as every second passes. She was nervous. Terrified. Scared. She placed her head on the pillow and decided to try to get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow she'll explore the Jade palace for any hidden passages.


This is my first fanfic so comment what you think!

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