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Seraphina invited her dear friend over for some tea(and gossip). She prepared some refreshments for them to enjoy at her room's balcony, where one could see the marvelous view. Her friend stopped talking when she called, giving full attention. Daisy knew Seraphina wasn't really listening to her stories because something is troubling her mind.

"Hmm? Yeah?"
"Did you see that person the other at the ball? The one introduced as royal."

"Of course I did. He's the main topic among nobles now. I have to say he's quite handsome. Why you ask?"

"That's the guy I met."

Daisy choked on her tea and went into a coughing fit.
"Ahem. Hmm. Um.... Unexpectedly. Hey at least you could see him again. Oh, maybe you guys can finally date!"

"I don't know, Daisy. Maybe he will be betrothed to someone better. What if he doesn't even remember me?"

"None sense! Sera, if you guys had such a great time together then he won't possibly forget you. Plus! Who would be a better person than you? You're beautiful, smart, funny, and pretty!"

Seraphina giggled at her friends response. "You described me using two words with the same meaning. Just one of them would be enough"

"It is emphasis! You are beautiful and pretty!" She stood up and banged the table. Sera laughed louder at the sight. "Okay, okay. Thank you for the compliment, Miss Daisy."

"You're welcome, Miss Seraphina"


Another day yet another party. Princess Oriella's birthday celebration is no joke. Lavish decorations, exquisite food and expensive wine. Everything is for their dearest princess. Claude did not attend though. Technically he did, but he only showed his face for a few moments and left. Very Claude like.

The main character was dancing with with numerous people that her dance card was full. First dances are usually meant to announce engagements. Oriella avoided that by dancing with Arius, a relative.

Oriella was approached by a noble man who was part of Duke Alpheus' faction. He asked her many things in which annoyed her.

"I heard you are very talented in your studies, princess. His Majesty must be very proud. There are rumours that he hired the most prestigious tutors for you, is it true?" the man asked.

"It is. You praise me to much, sir." Oriella smiles were insincere. Very much annoyed with this man and any other noble out there. They always asked the same questions and talked about the same things. About her studies and to confirm she is the heir. This time would be slightly different, she thought to herself.

"I am sure you will rule the country splendidly. And bring prosper to the empire"

"That is if I rule it." She emphasize the 'I'. Heads turned quicker than you can say 'mayonnaise'. (Random I know but that's not the point) 

"What do you mean by that, princess? Surely you don't mean that the newly introduced prince the other day is going to be heir to the throne?"

"Actually, I mean just that. I talked to my family and they agreed to remove me from being the next heir. Honestly, I was never interested in being the empress. So having Arius here really saved me." Oriella smiled wide showing her teeth. Looking as sincere and happy as possible. They need to understand she doesn't want it.

"Oh.. um, that is, um, quite unexpected. But is your highness sure of this? Who knows if that boy knows what he's doing!" The man said.

"I agree. Your highness, that boy was a commoner not long ago. What does he know about governing a country? Let alone a small territory! You should reconsider for the sake of the empire" a woman suddenly stepped up and voiced her opinion. The people present were noisy with whispers of gossip. Some stood and watch, while some tried to say their opinion, most supporting the earlier nobles.

"Enough! You two have insulted the imperial family. How dare you refer Prince Arius as 'that boy'! You clearly are courting death." Oriella said furiously. When the two realized what   they've done, their faces became pale with fear. They immediately kneeled and begged for forgiveness.

"Guards! Seize them." The princess ordered.

"No! Your highness! I beg you! We apologize, we are wrong! Please spare us!" They screamed and shouted but to no avail.

"Oriella," she turned to the person who called her.

"Mother, father. I hope you understand why I have ordered to detain these foolish subjects." She said.

Jennette and Ijekiel only nodded as they understood the reason. The couple could see that their daughter was fond of Arius. Naturally, she would fend him. When in truth, she's just doing that to raise his status and gather power for him

"Please, I beg you! I'm sorry!"

"It is not me you should be apologizing to," Oriella looked at Arius and back to the crying criminals. They were hesitant due to their pride but decided it was for survival. So they turned their faces to Arius and begged at his feet. Apologizing for their impudent acts.

Arius forgave them easily. He asked Oriella to release them, and in exchange they will receive a light punishment. Probably probation. They were grateful, thanking the prince repeatedly. Arius left quickly, needing air.

"I'm sorry such a thing happened at your birthday party, Ella." Jennette placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"It's alright. Not your fault. I would like to retire to my room, if I may. Ah! Everyone should just continue enjoying the party of course!"

"Go ahead and rest. It is your special day anyway. You can do anything you want," with that, Oriella left with her knight trailing behind.

Meanwhile, Arius was somewhere in a garden outside the ballroom. He was too focused on his thoughts that he did not notice the person sitting beside him. Only after a tap on his shoulders did he break from his trance.

"Sorry, I was —" he stopped and starred at the face in front of him. "—lost in thought........"

"Thinking about princely duties? You didn't tell me you're royal, you liar." She said.

"You still love me regardless" Arius smirked at the beautiful girl he fell in love with. He reached her hand to kiss it

"Missed you, Sophie. Or should I say, Seraphina."



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