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Arius sneaked out of the house with a hood on. He had the scroll with him while he ran out. He went to a secluded place, obviously aiming for the woods.
Arius did exactly as the instructions said and when he finished, he found himself in a small garden.
"Thank you for coming," Oriella said. She gestured towards a bench for them to sit.
"Meh. Might as well kill time," Arius shrugged." So, what is it you wanted ti tell me. Make it quick too, I haven't got all day."

Oriella took a deep breath and started her story.....
She was a curious child, always asking and wondering about things. Oriella loved travelling to different places and explore the world. Too bad she was a princess,the sole heir at that. Her royal duties were many even as a small child.
Roger Alpheus tried to do the same to her as he did to his own son. Brainwashing her to believe in him and do all his ideas. Unfortunately for him little Ella had a great backing. Claude would always let her do anything she wanted. He was very lenient towards his granddaughter.
As Oriella walked down the halls of the Alpheus' manor she came across a sight she shouldn't see. Her paternal grandfather was having what seemed like a heated debate with a man not older than himself. She stayed hidden while listening intently to their conversation. Even though she was a bright girl, she was still just a child. So the ordeal about her lineage gave a pain in her head. It greatly confused her.

The late Anastacius is not dead? Mom is his daughter?? So... that means grandpa Claude is not my grandpa. What in the cheesecake is going on here????

Though she had the urge to tell everyone and make a fuss, her instincts told her to keep quiet. And so she did. For the next ten years she told no one about her findings.

That was only the begining. One day when she was in Roger's office that man came in. He looked at her and smiled. She had a horriied expression but hid it with a sweet smile. Roger tried to kick him out but suddenly Anastacius introduced himslef to Oriella. He said he was her real grandfather. "Jenette is my daughter but Sir Roger here mistook her as Claude's,"

"That's not a funny joke, mister. You should really work on it hahaha!" Oriella said in between giggles. She acted like she didn't believe him but in truth his words and expressions look very serious.

"Ah.... but I am not joking, princess. I hope you would take me seriously soon. It's alright, you'll understand when you're older," Anastacius said while smiling.

Oriella acted like she still didn't understand. Like it was all some stupid failed attempt at a joke. She pouted, said goodbye and left.

Roger waited till Oriella was really gone and spoke in a harsh tone.
"That was very reckless to do! Why did you tell her that? You're lucky that she's still young so she doesn't have a clue on what you said."

Roger sighed and continued, "Imagine what would happen if she told His Majesty,"

"She won't," Anastacius replied seriously.
"Huh? What do you–"

"And the title 'His Majesty' would refer to me soon. Not Claude."

"Oriella is a very smart child. She knows everything I said is true. She is simply feigning ignorance," Anastacius had a creepy smile and then he laughed out loud. "Very smart indeed....."


"Okay that's weird." Arius said.
"I know! Why would he tell me that??!?" Oriella said.

"Anyway, I did more 'investigating' and turns out,no surprise, he's tryna rule the world. And obviously he's trying to use me. Mom and Dad doesn't know but Dad can tell something is fishy about Roger." Oriella finished. "I won't go through the details. I know you don't care."

"It's really interesting but I am not gonna involve myself in that shit," Arius put both his hands in the air.

"Yeah... guess I just gotta face it huh?"

"You'll be fine. Let's just wait what's in store for the future." Arius tried comforting her. He understands how big the pressure is on her. It's really messed up, whatever is going on. "I still don't get why you're so against it though. You'll still be the one wearing the crown."

"I dont know.. Maybe because of guilt or pride or both. What happened to the first princess was unforgivable. But I can't deny all the things Grandpa Claude has done for me. And Athanasius' whole existence is extremely suspicious! It's just so confusing" Oriella covered her face at the last sentence.

Arius quietly gave a pat on her back.l, habtly comforting her yet again. He had experience with his sisters and Oriella felt like a younger sibling to him, given she is younger.

"Welp, I guess that's it. Thank you for offering me the throne but that's a hard pass. See you never, princess," Arius said.

Oriella laughed. "I hope we will never see each other again. And if we did, it would be in the throne room with you on the throne,"

"Ha ha. Well wishes to you too." Arius rolled his eyes while saying that.

Arius went back home, quietly sneaking in. Luckily he didn't get caught. He laid in bed and closed his eyes. His would wake up to his normal everyday routine, forgetting everything that happened in the past week. He wished everything would remain the same always.


Okay, he wished that only some things would remain the same.

'Let me sleep more pleaaseee...'


I wish I could sleep in too.

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