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It was a fine afternoon, perfect for a picnic or a simple stroll. That would be it if not for the rising tension.

"Arius, I think you know why I brought you out just the two of us," Athy said.

Arius remained silent, not knowing what to say. Athy stopped arbitrarily. She turned left and walk towards a narrow path. She skillfully made her way to her destination. A bench overlooking the vast fields. Arius sat down beside her and braced himself for whatever comes.

"My dearest, you know why I'm here, how you came to my life and how we still lived. I wanted to be free and I give you freedom on whatever you want to do. "

Athy held his hands and squeezed.
"Oh, How big your hands have grown! I don't know what are you up to these days, but I will not stop you. I worry every day that something will happen to any of my children. Ari sweetheart, no matter what, never hurt yourself."

He hugged his mother tightly, apologizing quietly. His voice was low which came out almost like a whisper. Seeing his body shaking Athy pat his back and returning the hug.

"Can I be a little kid again with you, just this once?" Arius asked.

"You are always a kid in my eyes."

Thus tears dropped rapidly and sobs filled the air. Arius was taller than his mother but at that moment he was small.


"Don't cause trouble" that was all Lucas said to Arius.

"Don't come back at all!" Attheia said while laughing.

Today was the day Arius depart to the capital under the guise of learning from a famous scholar, sponsored by Madame Halsey. Athy pulled him aside before he really left to give a few warnings and advice.

"There is something he wants in Madame Halsey's home." She quickly said.

"What?" Arius was confused. Did she find out?

"Nothing gets past me if it's about you honey."

'well shit'

"He is dangerous. Even more if he gets that 'thing'. Be cautious. I will be right here if you need me. If you need my lineage.

Oh and do me a favor. Tell Lily I miss her."

"How do you know all this?"
"I'm not aware of the details. I do not know what's your plan or what his plan is, but I know he will bring forth calamity. And you need to stop it. I understand what you are doing this for. I am not mad, don't worry."

"I'm sorry mom. For going back to where you ran away from."

She kissed both his cheeks and pushed him gently.
"I can't run away forever anyway. Now hurry, Madame Halsey might be waiting."

Arius ran towards the carriage waiting for him with his luggage.

"Write me letters!" Athy shouted.

"I will!" He shouted back.

He waved to his family from the window. Theia and Lucy waving enthusiastically.

Arius pulled his head back into the carriage and closed his eyes as he waits to arrive. Madame Halsey climbed in with the help of her son.

"Mother, we'll be waiting for your safe return" Marquis said.

"Stop lying, Henry. I know you are dying for me to go. Well I'm off." Madame Halsey shooed her son away while giving a scolding.

"I hope you're not regretting this." The older woman said in a stern voice.

"I won't. Thanks for the ride." Arius smiled mischievously. He had always been close to the Madame, with her being his sponsor and stuff.

"It's a good thing you changed your plans. That good for nothing count you first thought of is involved in a frenzy of crimes. Luckily you have me."

"My apologies. I should've thought of you first. Madame is a very generous woman." He stifled his laughter. Madame Halsey replied with a 'hmph'. Arius knows how Madame Halsey loves to feel like the first choice, as if she is the first person that comes into our minds when we think of anything. She just doesn't show it.

After a few days of journey (they stop a lot for Madame's health- as ordered by her son, though she oppose of it, saying she was perfectly fine), the carriage arrived at the capital gates. They proceed smoothly. The Halsey family villa is where they would be staying. Arius was led to a guest room, with his luggage brought in by the servants.

The maids and other female workers whispered amongst themselves as Arius walked past them. Mainly about his handsome face.

"You are given time to rest and sort things out by yourself. Afterwards, dinner with the Madame. If you need anything, just call me or any other servants." A servant said to him. Arius was then given the schedule for the rest of the week. He gave his thanks and the servants who helped him went out of his room.

The first step is done.


I speed write this. Hope you guys like it. Byeee

I saw a comment of someone suffering and i got entertained. Sooo here you go. This chapter is dedicated to all my readers Who are waiting for the next chapter.
Unedited as usual
Thank you so much guys 🥺😆

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