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The next day, Athy rushed to the security office to report about Lucy. She went to a different one from last night.
Arius and Attheia got ready to leave. The rented carriage would arrive soon to send them back home. The three of them woukd rather stay but for some complicated reasons that Attheia could barely understand, they could not cancel the ride. So instead, Arius would stay behind for a few days to wait for any news.

Meanwhile, Lucy was enjoying the variety of cakes and sweets in front of her. Well, she was trying to enjoy as much as she can without feeling bothered by the direct stares of the emperor.
Just a little bit after having breakfast, Claude had ordered the chefs to prepare dessert for the child to eat during their tea time. Claude watched,to be more accurate he stared, as the little girl delightfully shoved cakes in her mouth.
"Do you like the food?" He asked.
"You seem to be enjoying yourself too much,"
Lucy lifted her head and spoke,"I like it so much. It taste really really good,"
A bright,toothy smile formed on her face.

"Tch," Claude clicked his tounge while his eyebrows furrowed. He suddenly got up and lifted his hand closer to Lucy. The maids around them were shocked by the emperor's next move. He wiped off the crumbs stuck on the girl's face with his thumb.
"I wonder  how your parents educate you. Don't they teach you manners?" He sneered.
"I'm sorry. Lucy is very careless," she put her head down and pouted.
"Thank you for wiping it off for Lucy," she fidgeted with her hands while saying her thanks.
"Hmph. It's nothing," he mumbled as a response.
The maids and servants serving them were clearly confused. They all had the same thought in mind.Just who is that girl that managed to melt the emperor's heart?

Claude glared at the perplexed faces and continued to sip his tea. When he lowered his cup he found that Lucy was staring at his tea cup.
"Do you want to try it,"he asked.
Lucy's eyes sparkled and she nodded.
"Are you sure? You may not like it?"
She nodded eagerly again.
"Alright then. Don't complain if you hate it,"
Claude motioned to the maids and one of them poured a cup for his guest.
"It's called Lippe tea,"
Lucy carefully picked up the cup and brought it closer to her mouth. As soon as she took a sip, her face brightened immediately.
"It tastes good!" She brimmed." It feels like flowers are blooming in my mouth!"
Claude remained silent. His  expression changed,clearly shocked. He hid it quickly and put on his usual poker face.

Right at that moment the door opened after knocks were heard. Oriella entered to see her grandfather.
"Grandfather, I heard you brought a child home yesterday. I see you are having tea with her," she turmed to the child and gasped.
"Grandpa!! How can you feed a child so many desserts so early in the morning?! What if she gets sick?" She fumed.
Claude remained silent once again. He glanced at his granddaughter. Oriella knew he was actually slightly embarrassed and didn't know what to say. She sighed at his actions and took matters into her own hands. She turned to the little girl seated across and bent her body a bit.
"Hello there. My name is Oriella.What's yours,sweetheart?"
"My name is Lucy," the girl replied. Oriella noticed that her maids were right. This girl had wonderful blonde hair and such a cute appearance.
"I'm sorry my grandfather didn't pay attention to such details. Do you feel bad anywhere? Perhaps a stomach ache?"
"No, I'm fine. The cakes were nice. Everyone took care of me nicely," she smiled.
Oriella could just faint right there. How can such a cute and sweet child exist? Oriella understands why Claude would melt too,though it's still a bit strange.

"Grandpa I'm gonna take her for a checkup. Next time, don't feed litttle kids sweets too early in the morning," Oriella said.
"Just call him here. Why would you wanna waste your time coming to him?"
"Alright then," the young royal ordered one the maids to call for the royal physician. The physician checked Lucy's condition and said she was fine.
"She is healthy but please refrain from eating desserts too early in the morning. Moreover, the sweets are too much!" He advised.
"See? I told you!" Oriella turned to Claude,making her point. "You should go attend the meeting now, grandpa. The nobles have been waiting for quiet a while now,"
Claude clicked his tongue but agreed anyway. He left Lucy under the care of his granddaughter.

Lucy left the room with Oriella after bidding goodbye to Claude. The two girls walked down the halls with their hands entwined. They continued their journey to the garden.
"There are many pretty flowers in the garden,Lucy. Would you like to take a look at them with me? There might be butterflies too."
Lucy brightened at the thought of butterflies and nodded. Seriously,Oriella could just drop dead at that moment.

They reached the royal garden and walked around. Occasionally stopping at some flower beds. Then, they settled on a bench looking looking over vast lands filled with plants.
After a few moments of silence,Lucy opened her mouth to speak.
"Can I call you big sister Ori?"
Oriella,who was overjoyed, said yes at the child's request. She has always what it woukd deel like to have a sibling.
"Are you sure it's okay? You are a princess while I am just a commoner child,"
Oriella was genuinely surprised. She didn't think that Lucy knew she was in front of royals based on how Claude treated her. And how she spoke to Claude.
"Lucy.... were you aware that you were drinking tea with the emperor of Obelia?"
"...... So you know I'mthe princess right?"
"Yes,that's why I asked if it was really okay to call you big sister,"
Oriella was speechless. Then how come she talked so casually with him? This child is indeed special. She thought.

"You might be curious. I am just a kid. I don't really know how to talk to the royal family. I just followed pure instinct. I did address the emperor as 'your majesty' but he told me to speak comfortably and I did,"

Oriella hugged the little girl. She was sure now. The girl is very special.
"Aaaah you are so smart and so cute! I have a hard time telling what the hell is grandpa thinking all the time!"

She then realised she might be crushing the poor little girl and released her.

"I'm sorry I just got so excited! Of course you can call me big sis! I'll even give you special permission for that,"

Lucy hugged Oriella and thanked her. Oriella of course returned the hug.
"Sigh, if only I have a cute sibling like you,"

Lucy suddenky had a solemn expression at the thought of her siblings.
"What's wrong?" Ori asked.
"I miss my family....."Lucy said slowly.
"Although you are now my big sis Ori, I  really miss big bro Ari and sister Theia,"
Oriella tried to comfort the child who was on the verge of tears.
"If you  don't mind, would you tell me more about your family?"
Thus,they spent the rest of their time chatting idly.


Hi. Sorry this took so long. Hope you enjoy!
Vote and comment what you think!
The next one might take longer nyeh.
Just saying that i did not edit this at all. Just write whatever I feel. It might be weird lol. Thank you for reading my rambling here.

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