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"Quick! In here!" Madame Halsey said. She took a book out from its shelf and ran her fingers along the decorations carved on the wooden pillar stuck to the wall. She pressed a hidden button, running towards a painting of a man dressed in red after.

The hidden button would open up a rectangular slot behind the painting. Madame Halsey pushed the book through and a click was heard.

A doorway to a secret tunnel revealed itself. The old woman grabbed her granddaughter's hands and placed an object in it, closing the small hands firmly.

"Take this. Keep this on you at all times. Never, ever let it go. Keep yourself safe!" She said. Charlotte looked at the necklace in her hands.

"What about you, Grandma?" Charlotte asked, her face was stained with tears.
"Don't worry about me! Make sure nothing happens to all of you."

"I'm not leaving without you." Charlotte's brother, James said sternly.
"We cannot leave you alone Grandma!" Carlos, her second brother, exclaimed.

"Now is not the time to argue with me. At the end of this tunnel there will be seven different paths. Go through the third one, it will lead you to the forest. It is a bit far from the estate so nobody has reached there yet. Once you've arrived you will see a cabin. You'll know what to do from there.

Always stay together, children. James, protect your younger siblings, make sure you make it out alive. Carlos, assist your brother and behave well. Don't let anything bring your spirit down. Charlotte, dear, be brave and listen to your brothers.

Know that I love all of you. Promise me you'll do as I say." Madame Halsey advised them. The previously healthy elderly woman now looked sick with fatigue. Beads of sweat at her forehead.

"We promise." James said as he envelopes his family in a big hug.

Suddenly the door of the library opened with a loud bang. A frantic lady came in with a few other guards.

"Children! Why aren't they out yet? Go, now!" A look of panic etched on her face.


"Go! Ah!" Their mother grunted. Blood seeped through her dress. She fell onto the floor while clutching her side.

Before the children could do anything, they were ushered to the tunnel by their grandmother.

James bit his bottom lip and knew he had to lead his siblings out. He grabbed their hands and marched down. Charlotte glanced behind and managed to catch a glimpse of their mother. Her mother smiled softly and tears streamed down her face. Both Charlotte and Carlos saw the last look their grandmother gave as she closed the entrance of the tunnel. Trapping the three in darkness.

Madame Halsey turned to other people in the library. "We will go to the east of the mansion. Let's hope we can make it out alive, without getting caught." The knights nodded.

She stepped closer to a maid helping her daughter-in-law. "Patch her wound quick, lass. I am sorry, Helena. We have to move despite your injuries."

"I'm quite alright mother. As long as the rest of my children are safe...."

Helena Irain—(now Halsey) was glad she had a good relationship with her mother in law. Not great, but good enough. Madame Halsey takes care of her well. Not exactly very well, but well enough. The madame was someone who put a certain distance in social relationships. Ironically, although Helena's youngest child looked like her, her personality was like her grandmother.

The small group of knights, a maid and the two family members hurriedly reached the east entrance when they were stopped. The madame glared at the disturbance.

"Finally we meet again. Good day, isn't it, Madame?"


As the eldest, James cannot show any weakness for the sake of his siblings. He turned 20 two months ago. James fumbled through the darkness as he tried to find anything that can be used as a light source.

His hands grabbed a torch from the wall. "I found a torch. Carlos, you got a match?"
Carlos handed him a small box and they finally had light.

Charlotte put on the necklace and hid it under her shirt. She felt that her grandmother wouldn't want anyone to know she had it. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Charlotte looked up to see her second brother's worried face. She can't slow them down like this. So she wiped her eyes and smiled a little.

"Let's hurry to the exit." She said. Her brothers agreed. They were holding each others hands while walking. Charlotte held Carlos' hands very tightly. It would be a lie to say she wasn't scared. She was frightened. They all were.

The only sounds that could be heard were their hurried footsteps and frantic panting. Stone floorings quickly changed into bare dirt. Charlotte was glad she wore boots instead of her usual ballet flats.

They finally reached the end of the tunnel and went straight to the third path, which was another tunnel like Madame Halsey said. After a long distance in the darkness, James spotted a faint light at a further distance.

"We're almost there!"

The three wasted no time at all. When out of the tunnel, they headed straight to the mentioned cabin.

In the middle of nowhere, there was a small cabin fully furnished for someone to live in. No doubt this was prepared for emergencies since it's not exactly abandoned.

The three siblings went around to check out the cabin. They found food, medicine and weapons. All the supplies needed to survive. There were two beds at a far corner, a kitchen and a square table with four seats.

"I prefer to leave immediately, but it's getting dark and you two don't look so good." James said to his younger siblings. He was a fit young man so naturally he has a strong endurance. Unfortunately, his younger siblings are not as strong.

Carlos, although energetic and causes ruckus all the time, didn't receive training to become a knight unlike his brother. Not to mention he had a chronic illness. A weak heart restrained him from doing strenuous activities.

Charlotte on the other hand was the youngest and only daughter, thus lead her to be pampered and spoiled by her family. She was still a little girl, frail and fragile. Of course, she was as energetic as Carlos and pulled pranks meaner than the devil. Alas, she was the favourite of everyone. No one can get mad at her for long.

"Have some food before you go to bed." James said while opening a cabinet in the kitchen.
"Where are you going to sleep, James? There are only two beds." Carlos asked.

"I'll manage. Don't worry about me. I want to stay up for a bit anyways."

They sat at the table with a plate of dried fruits and beef jerky for each. Definitely not a meal for nobles. Well, they can't be picky now, can they?

Charlotte glanced at the empty seat in front of her. "That would be Vinny sitting there right now if we weren't separated." Her brothers look at her and to the empty seat with a solemn expression.

"Get to sleep now. We'll leave at dawn"


Oh no!! What happened?? Will they be safe?? Wait for the next chapter~~

This is probably the longest chapter I've written so far~

I'm starting school soon so here's a chapter before i forget to update again.

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