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As usual they couldn't explain everything at once that night so Arius promised to bring her out and tell her. Chris and Oriella left quickly as they were worried they would run out of time before Claude turns the whole palace over to find Oriella.

Arius treated his sister to her favourite strawberry cake at the best pastry shop in town. She was still shocked with what happened yesterday but didn't show it.

"Theia I know this is a really big thing but please don't tell mom and dad,"

"I won't, don't worry. But there's just wanting that's bugging me," Attheia said as she stab her cake.

"What is it?"

"Why does late emperor Anastacius wants to take back the throne in such a deadly manner? No, what does he want to do with the throne? Just to make chaos? Seems pointless. Everyone recognizes him as dead and no one is particularly fond of him. So why would he come back and who wants him to anyway?" She stabbed the cake once again and feed it to her mouth.

"Revenge might be a good reason. Although he deserved being killed. He wasn't even a good ruler. Plus, how is the princess helping him in being the key to his plan? If he was going to slaughter a whole noble family who were in his way, why can't he just do that in the palace?
Judging by your reaction, you also don't know why he is being so violent. You didn't even thought of this didn't you? Pfft, and they say you are the genius of the century," Attheia snickered at her brother. She could be called a genius too if it was like this.

"I was just too occupied with stopping him that's all," Arius said while covering his red face.

Attheia smiled in triumph and finished her cake, before ordering another.


"I only came here just for one thing. This." Oriella handed her cousin a rectangle box tied with a ribbon.

The first thing he saw in that box was blue. A navy blue attire for the ball.
'a typical color' he thought.

Chris opened a smaller box to show him the golden cuffs that match. Arius can't deny, even though it was such a typical colour to use, the whole set was beautiful. He didn't expect to be so dazzled.

"So? You like it? I hired the best tailor for this." Oriella was very proud of herself. She took extra care on preparing his 'debut'. After all, first impression is important.

"I need to go. My maids might notice I'm missing in the middle of the day." She said while she fumbled through the pockets of her dress.

Arius' parents took Lucy out to the hospital. She wasn't feeling well. So Arius is left with Attheia at home. The perfect time for a visit from the princess and her knight.

Oriella somehow managed to find the magic device to teleport back home but her hand slipped, the device crashed on the floor, pieces flying everywhere.

"Ahh! Uh oh. No!" Oriella put her hands over her mouth.

"How do we get to the palace now?" Chris asked.

"I'm so sorry Chris. I am so clumsy," she felt very guilty. Chris comforted the princess saying it's okay.

"Sorry to ask you this Arius, but do you think you could teleport us there with your magic?"

"Sorry to tell you this Oriella., I'm not strong enough to teleport both of you all the way there,"

"What? You aren't strong enough? I thought your parents are super powerful magicians! Shouldn't you be too?" Chris asked.

"Unfortunately. Even though I'm the first born, I didn't inherit that much mana. So my capabilities are limited " he scratched the back of his head.

"Mine aren't,"

"OH MY GOD, WHAT THE FU- THEIA!! Stop creeping behind me like that, ugh" Chris said

"Nice to see you too Chris." Attheia smiled brightly.

"Were you eavesdropping again?" Arius sighed.

"Hehe. It sounded interesting. Anyway, you need magical help? My mana is stronger than both my parents combined, fyi. Where to, princess?" Attheia turned to Oriella after apologizing to her brother.

"Oh, um, to the palace please."

"As you wish," she snapped her fingers and all four of them were in Oriella's room.

"Theia are you crazy?! What if somebody comes in?" Arius whisper-shouted.
"Relax. Only Princess Oriella can hear and see us right now. Besides, I've always wanted to see the inside of the palace" Attheia was very calm despite her brother's worries.

Oriella giggled at the sight of siblings arguing. "You don't have to be so formal to me, you know? Just call me Oriella, we are technically cousins,"

"Ah... Sorry, just not used to it. I mean, your closet is probably thrice the size of my room. So.... If you get what I mean...." Theia said nervously.

"I understand. We do live in different worlds," her eyes drooped but she quickly masked her sad face with a smile. "Call me whatever makes you feel comfortable. You... can also use my nickname." She said with hope that Attheia would open up.

"Then... Can I call you mine?"

The whole room was filled with laughter. Oriella blushed like crazy. She laughed along in the end.

"Just kidding. How about Ella?"
"Sure. Same as what my parents called me."

"I'm sure everyone is having but sorry to break to you guys, my break ends in 5 minutes. So Theia please teleport me to somewhere near my post. And you two can go home," Chris said. He was wearing full armor, looking perfect as a proud knight.

They bid their goodbyes to Oriella and vanished into thin air. Attheia was kind enough to teleport Chris somewhere near but slightly hidden from his stationed post, if only she was kinder to drop him on the ground, not 5ft in the air.


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