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Finally, after 3 days nonstop, the Halsey siblings arrived at the front gates of the palace. They met with a farmer on the way travelling with a wagon of goods to sell. He was of course shocked to see children with battered clothes, which looked expensive if in its original state.

"Halt! State your name and business." A guard said.

"I am James Halsey of House Halsey. We came to relay an urgent news to
His Majesty." James said.

The guard raised an eyebrow. "You think I will believe you? It's obvious you are beggars here to steal from the palace. Those tattered clothes may be of high quality but you must've stolen old clothes from nobles." He snickered. Charlotte, being impatient and furious of the treatment their getting, climbed down the wagon and pointed her finger at the guard.

"Listen here you twerp. We got no time for this since it's a very important matter that could cause the fall of the empire and kill everyone including the royal family. We have been travelling for 3 days straight with no rest at all hungry and tired. My brother needs to see a doctor right now because he has a terminal illness and here you are stopping me from saving my brother and the world!" She spat the words bravely, not caring for the fact that these guards could take her down in an instant.

"Hey! I'm just trying to do my job! And are you saying the royal family is going to die? That's disrespect! I have a right to through you into the dungeon for insulting the royals and for investigation," He said. Another guard supported his colleague by agreeing.

"If that's what's letting me inside then do it." Charlotte held out her arms as if to say 'tie me up' and glared. The guards didn't expect that she would be so brazen.
"Charlie!" Carlos called. His face was pale and sweat trickled down his forehead. His hand clutched his chest as he breathed heavily. " We'll find another way in." Charlotte clenched her teeth and fist. Obviously her brother was suffering, why are these guards so arrogant?
"You have no humanity at all. You are arrogant and haughty, totally undeserving of the title of a knight. Just you wait, soon you won't be acting all high and mighty." She said, her face filled with disgust as if she was talking to filthy trash. The guards were about to say something when they her someone shout

"What is going on here?" Arius was just taking a walk to clear his mind when he heard voices arguing. So he decided to see what's all the ruckus about.
"Prince Arius! I am very sorry for disturbing your peace. It is nothing important, just some beggars insisting on coming in, probably to steal from the palace. I will drive them away,"

'We had a prince??' Charlotte thought. Living so far away from the capital made her devoid from any gossip. Moreover, she had been secluded in her mansion for a long time. She got grounded for putting stinky cheese under James' pillow and threw a bucket of water mixed with things you do not want to know to a servant (the maid was a bitch who mistreated Charlie's kindness).

Charlotte's view of the prince was being blocked by the guards. When he stepped forward to further investigate the commotion, both of them sent a puzzling look.

"Arius?? Wait, you're a prince??"
"Your grandma didn't tell you?"
"No. Ah, we have more important matters! It's great you're a prince, now let us in!" Charlotte's eyes sparkled, she did warn the guards that they'll regret crossing her.

"Ahem!" James made himself known. "Your Highness the prince, I am sure you have heard that we were on our way. We wanted to deliver the news as quickly as possible but it seems that we were mistaken as filthy beggars." He smiled menacingly. The knights turned pale.

"Yes, we were expecting you. We even dispatch a troop to find you. Please come in quickly, you three look so exhausted." Arius side-eyed the knights who stood there in fear. He gave them a once over and announced, "You will receive punishment for disrespecting guests of the imperial family. I'll deal with you later. Open the gates!" He shouted.
The guards panicked and immediately do as told. Arius sighed. This matter was kept under wraps so it wasn't entirely their fault for not knowing. Nevertheless, they were still rude. The farmer driving the wagon quietly steered into the palace. How out of place he felt.

Everyone was called to the audience room once again, bracing themselves to hear the news. The siblings kneeled in front of the royal family and greeted them. Luckily, Carlos somehow managed to muster up some energy.

"It is true, the late emperor was behind this. I think he secretly gathered forces from many sources. Rebels, enemy countries... Your Highnesses, please help us avenge our family and people. Many things were sacrificed to get us here. I beg you." James finished explaining. He bowed low to show his sincerity and desperation.

"Before that-!" Someone interrupted. James raised his head again to find that Charlotte was the one who spoke.
"Before that..., Please get us a doctor. My brother suffers from a terminal illness. He's gonna pass out soon!" Worry etched on her face.

Indeed Carlos looks half dead by now. He can't hear anything except for the ringing in his ears. His eyes were blurry and unfocused. He just stood there with his head hung low.

"Call the doctor now as quick as possible!" Jennette told the servants.

Carlos wobbled slightly before falling down. Luckily his siblings caught him. He breathed heavily, his chest felt compressed and suffocated. Charlotte and James moved their mouths but he couldn't make out what they were saying.

The next thing he knew, he blacked out.


I'm back! My exams are finally overr and im pretty sure I flunked most of it. Welp I hope you guys can enjoy this story again

Thank you everyone who wished me luck before 💕

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