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Felix Robaine was supposed to look for the child's parents but an unexpected event occured right before his departure.
He got sick.
The Knight Of Crimson Blood caught a cold, had a stomach ache and tree branch fell on his head. How did he caught a cold? Fell asleep late and didn't change into fresh dry clothes. He ate the wrong food,leading to an upset stomach. And maybe nature just hated him that day,hitting him with a branch.

Claude was irritated. He might just kill the guy while he's already sick. He calmed himself down and had tea with said lost child.

Back to Felix. Sad and alone on his bed. He felt shivers down his spine. Claude was giving him death glares without being anywhere near him. Felix sent another knight in his stead. The small group of guards went to look around the capital.
Two of them went to the same security office Athy was in. They asked if there were any reports on a missing child to the officer in charge.
"I'm sorry but I don't think so. No one was here today except for me and the captain," the guard in charge said.
And so the two knights sent on their way.
"Who was there? What were they looking for?" A grumbling old man emerged out of the back door.
"A couple of royal knights. Asked about missing child. I said there weren't any reports of it," said the younger guard.

"Why didn't you tell me!There was a woman looking for her daughter just this morning. Before you came," the old man shouted. He was still a bit mad at the fact his subordinate came later than him.
"I am really sorry captain. I was late just this once. Please don't fire me !" He winced.
"Baah! That's not the problem now! Those were royal knights you say? The missing child must be someone important if the royal family told their guards to look for her,"
The younger guard grew pale.
"I-I will go tell them now! They must not have gone far!"
"You stay here. You might get an earful from them. And you'll get an earful from me later..." the old captain said the last part between gritted teeth.

He mounted his horse and rode away. Fortunately, he managed to find those knights quickly and explained everything to them.

"The mother said to notify an inn downtown. Her eldest son would be there instead, she left for home already," the captain explained further.
"What are we waiting for? Please guide us," said one of the knights.

When the innkeeper called him down, he didn't know what to expect. But he definitely did not expect a troop of armed soldiers to be waiting for him. Arius followed the knights to the palace as soon as he heard the news of his sister.
Due to the events that occured in the morning, it was already nightfall when they arrived. Arius wanted to see Lucy immediately but was led to throne room instead. 
He felt a murderous aura coming from the man sitting on the throne. Arius bowed down slowly, giving his greeting.
"Blessings to the Obelian empire. It is an honor to meet Your Majesty the Emperor,"

Claude had a weird feeling when he saw the boy in front of him. He looked so much like himself. He noted that he felt the same way to the little girl too.

"You are the one who lost the child?" Claude asked.
"Yes, your majesty. Lucy ran off went I wasn't looking," Arius answered cautiously.
"And why weren't you looking?"
"I was tending to our other sister. I told Lucy to stay put but she followed the crowd while seeing the parade,"
"Are you saying you neglected the child for another?"

When will this end?

"Of course not, Your Majesty. It is my duty as an older brother to take care of both my sisters. The older one seperated from us,so I scolded her. Lucy,being a child, didn't understand that she should not run carelessly away like that," Arius continued to explain.

"It looks like your incompetence started all of this," the emperor commented.
"Yes, I guess it did. I am incompetent," Arius shut his mouth tight when he realised what he had just done. He got so annoyed that his mouth decided to let it all go. Sarcasm is his first language. Arius relaxed when he thought of the horrible things Claude had done before. It was a tiny payback.

Claude narrowed his eyes. If this boy weren't Lucy's brother, he would've killed him. He decided to let it pass this one time. Then, the door opened to reveal his granddaughter poking her head inside.
"Grandfather, am I disturbing you?" Oriella asked sheepishly.
She stepped closer and said to Claude, "Little Lucy fell asleep. I told you you shouldn't give her too many sweets so early in the morning. I gave her medicine already so it's fine now,"
She was fine that morning. Truthfully, Claude gave her more sweets in the evening.

Arius turned to the princess when she was done speaking, giving his greetings yet again.
"I greet the first princess. Blessings to the Obelian empire,"
"Oh! You must be Lucy's brother, I suppose. I'm sure you're glad to hear she is safe,"
"Yes, I certainly am. I thank the royal family for taking care of my baby sister," Arius thanked the princess. He was thankful that she came, interfering her grandfather.

"It's quite late. You should stay for the night and depart in the morning." Oriella turned to Claude,"Is that alright? Please....," she gave a pitiful look on her face.
Claude nodded and Oriella smiled brightly,thanking her dearest grandfather. Claude sighed but he didn't mind granting any wish of hers.

Both teens bowed down and went out with Oriella leading Arius.
"Would you like to see her first?" Oriella  asked.
"Yes, I really would. Please show me the way, Your highness," Arius spoke to her respectfully.
Oriella guided him down the hall and finally opened the large doors of the guest bedroom. Lucy was in bed sleeping peacefully, as if it was normal to be in such an extravagant room.
Arius was not used to this at all. He wondered how Lucy didn't mind all this... fanciness.. He stroked her cheek and muttered a low sorry,just enough for Oriella to hear.
"Your room is just next to hers. Or perhaps you would want to sleep here?" said Oriella.
Arius shook his head. He did not want to disturb Lucy's sleep. "I'm afraid she might get shocked seeing me beside her,"
Thus Arius and Oriella returned to their own rooms respectively.

Oriella locked her door as soon as she went in. Just like every other night, it had became her habit to quickly lock her doors,dismissing her servants. She sensed something peculiar from the two siblings. They might be her ticket out of the palace. She had a tiny bit of hope that it was true. She prays every night before going to sleep. That night was no exception,only she added a bit more than usual.

Sorry this took so long. Hope you enjoy!

What do you think will Oriella do next?

Please ignore any typos or mistakes.lol.
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