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"I'm not a princess." Oriella said.

Chris felt his head throbbing. Why does he always get involved in such troublesome things?
"Wha-?" Is all he said.

"I'm part of a big stupid conspiracy. Duke Alpheus—my grandfather—found a random baby to act as the daughter of Princess Jennette and Prince Ijekiel. She can't get pregnant. Even if she did, it won't work. But because of greed for power Duke Alpheus needs them to have an heir. My mother doesn't know this since they gave her a memory wiping drug.

I'm a mere chess piece in their game. The original plan was supposed to be using me to act as a puppet ruler while he reigns in the shadows. 'He' as in Anastacius of course. Doing so is much easier than letting a previously dead man rule. But since I acted quick and gave the crown to Arius, he had to take a different method. Roger Alpheus and Anastacius have been in cahoots for a really long time- even before my mother was born. And you know the craziest thing is that she wasn't even born in a normal way. She's an experiment using black magic to test its furthest uses.

This is what I couldn't bring myself to tell you guys. But now I told you, I feel a bit lighter. Although I am still scared to tell Arius. He's kinda scary when he's mad."

Chris, being the patient man he was, listened to everything Oriella said without interrupting. Another big secret of the royal family.
'Great. Another big ass controversy' he thought.

He sympathise with the princess since she isn't one in the first place and got lied to her whole life. She also needed to lie for the sake of survival.

"Don't need to say anything. I'm sorry I brought you into this mess. Again." Oriella apologise.

"Arius needs to know."
"Kinda awkward to go to him now..." She bit her lip as she cringed at how mad Arius was at her.
"Princess," Chris put his hands om her shoulders, "it's gonna be okay."
Confidence surged her body as she had a determined thought.

"You're right. I shouldn't be a coward! Face my problems head on! Off we go to his room!" She exclaimed. Chris chuckled and smiled. He always thought the princess was like a cute naive friend. Anything he says cheers her up instantly.

Arius yelped when his doors burst open. He rubbed where he bumped us head at the bed frame.

"ARIUS!" Oriella screamed. She stomped in and sat beside him. She said very fast, "I have something to tell you. We are not blood related at all. I'm adopted from a distant branch of the Alpheus family. That's why I look more like my dad. There, that's my secret!"

"What?" Arius calculated in his mind. "So that's why you're so desperate giving me the crown?"

"Yes! I felt guilty. Glad you caught on quick." She beamed. Arius looked at her puzzled and then looked at Chris. He was smiling too.

'I guess Chris said something to convince her,'

"Okay, thanks for the information but right now I need to rest. I'm tired. Please get out" Arius said, rubbing his temples.

"Have a good sleep! Goodbye!" Oriella grabbed her guard's hand and ran out the door. She doesn't want to taste Arius' wrath anymore.

Fatigue was the only thing Arius felt right then. Sleep and rest were the only things in his mind currently. He'll deal with all the drama in the morning.

His mother had just visited last week. They talked, joked and laughed. He told her he just can't wait to see everyone again. But now it's unknown whether they are even safe.

Meanwhile, Chris unknowingly smiled at the princess. She looked so relieved and more confident. Maybe she has a new plan in mind.

"The most important thing right now is to find out where Arius' family is." She said to no one in particular. She paced around her room for a long time before her maids knocked on the door. They came in after given permission and set down tea and biscuits for the princess.



I have another exam coming up so here's a chapter for u guys before i suddenly disappear

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