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There was an extraordinary silence that came when Athy received the news. Arius had a sudden interest on the floor as he was staring at it intensely. Attheia played with the hem of her skirt as she resist the urge to burst into tears. Athy had no words at the sudden situation. She tried to remain calm but no mother could do so when her precious child is missing.

"How did this happen?"Athy's lips quivered as she spoke.
Arius explained fully what happened during the whole day his parents were gone. He explained how they looked everywhere in the area but to no avail. Attheia—who could no longer resist—began wailing and crying, apologising for her mistake. She felt extremely guilty, thinking that it was her fault for being reckless that Lucy ran off.
Athy tried comforting her child, holding her in her arms. "No,no. It's alright. It's not your fault. You were simply trying to do the right thing,"
Attheia's wails were reduced to small sobs. A sigh of relief came out of her mother's mouth.

"I think I know of a way to find her. A possibly quick and easy way,"

Athy shot a questioning look to her son. "What do you mean? Quick and easy?"
"Magic. Dad can track her with magic. He is a powerful wizard, it should be easy for him,"
"Speaking of Daddy, where is he? Why didn't he come in with you? Is there something wrong?"Attheia suddenly questioned after she calmed down a bit.
"I assumed he was downstairs drinking some ade, but that's not the case isn't it," Arius said.

Athy bit her lower lip. She was proud that she had such a bright and wonderful son but his intelligence scares her. Though without a doubt, it came from her genes.

"Your father... is not here,"
"Where is he?"
"Somewhere very far away. He forgot to tell you that he was leaving,"
"When will he be back...?"
Athy shook her head. "I don't know. He went to search for something called the World Tree. Saying something about replenishing his magic with it,"
"He said it might take a while. And even he doesn't know when will he be back,"

The two siblings were dumbfounded.
Their only way of finding Lucy was no more. They felt even more guilty.

"We have to go back tomorrow. Tonight is our last chance to look for Lucy. We should inform the security officers to help," Athy said, her voice quivering.

And so they set off that evening to the  busy roads crowded with people. The three of them were searching and asking around frantically. All while shouting Lucy's name. Athy told her children to stay at a bench near the fountain while she went to security office.
As she was about to arrive, she saw a familiar figure stepping inside the office. She froze in her steps immediately and turned around. If she went inside now, there was no doubt that the man would recognise her.

Felix was just carrying out his duties as always. The emperor ordered for him to  ask the guards stationed at the capital about a missing child. Unfortunately, he had no luck. 'Maybe her family haven't reported yet.. they might still be looking for her... Or they think that she juat playing around and came home late...'
Different thoughts and scenarios were playing in his head. Just where is the child's family? Poor girl got seperated.
Felix tried asking around too but people ran away in fear when they recognized  the Knight of Crimson Blood. His head drooped when he failed his task. He wanted to go to the other stations but it was getting late. Civilians began rushing home, shops were closing and the festival died down.
Felix sighed heavily. He was going to get an earful from Claude later.

"Have you reported,mom?" Attheia asked.
Athy frowned and shook her head.
"I was too late. They started closing the stations one by one. I couldn't get to other ones," she replied, keeping the truth from her children.

They went back to the inn looking solemn. Arius had already informed the owner of their predicament and he agreed to  let them know if Lucy came back.
Attheia had a hard time sleeping as she was swarmed with guilt. Eventually fatigue took over and so she dozed off.
Athy gazed outside the window of her room. She too had a hard time falling asleep.
The door opened after a brief knocking and revealed the figure of a young boy. Arius slowly head over to his mother and pulled a chair.
"What was the real reason you couldn't reach the guards?" He asked seriously.
"I told you, it was already late. They finished their duties for the day," she replied, trying to keep a straight face.
"From our original distance, you could arrived just in time,"
"It was crowded. Too many people blocked my way,"
"You said it yourself,it was getting late. Many people have already went home. The festival ended. Today was the last day," Arius refuted.

Athy pressed her lips together. This was why she was afraid of his intelligence. He was cunning and calculating. Arius was very sharp too.

Athy sighed and told him the truth. She was afraid that Felix might recognise her.

"Princess Athanasia died 18 years ago. Her death was witnessed by hundreds of people. How can the dead be alive again?" Arius said sternly.

Yes,he knew about his mother's original  life. He knew about how she faked death. He knew that he had royal blood and that could be proven by his blue jeweled eyes. He knew that he could claim his rights to the throne,thus becoming the emperor.
He knew everything but kept quiet. It was what his mother wanted. What he wanted.

"You are Artemis. You were a witness too. A year after that you got married to the love of your life, Lucas and got me. You named me Arius. You hoped I live a long life too," Arius grabbed her hands and told her.
"You have nothing to be afraid of. You have never sinned. Remember. Your name is Artemis. Not Athanasia. You're a commoner, mom. Not a princess," he squeezed the older woman's hands, assuring her.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. She hastily wiped it off and formed a small smile.
"Thank you,sweetheart. I'm glad you're my son,"
Athy gave Arius the biggest,tightest hug ever. She kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair.

"Let's go to sleep now,"


Thanks for reading.
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P.s. Arius is such a good child. But nit so good grandson hehehhehe
But seriously,  I'm just writing whatever. Idk what to do haha

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