Alex's POV
Joyce says "moms going to be here in a few minutes." Jack groans mumbling "I don't want to" resting his head on my shoulder. I run my hand through his hair mumbling "whats wrong?" He says "shes coming back" groaning. The women all go to the living room and May and Laney stay with us. May says "mom, where's your curling iron?!" Joyce says "top drawer of the sink!." May goes into her room to grab a curling iron and she says "Alex, you're helping me" and I say "k" following her. Jack picks Laney up, saying "are you going to help?" She smiles, nodding. May plugs the curling irons in and I say "what are you doing with your hair exactly? So I know what I'm doing." She says "I'm gonna do half up half down, with a little hair out in the front, then were going to curl all of it, k?" I say "got it" and she puts her hand next to the curling iron and says "yup its hot" putting half of her hair up minus some hair in the front. I say "I'll do one side and you do the other and we'll meet in the middle?" She says "perfect" and I start curling her hair. I say "is this how you want it?" She says "it looks really good, yeah." Jack sits on the sink counter, leaning his head on my shoulder. I say "hi, what are you doing?" He shrugs, mumbling "I love you." I smile saying "I love you too" and I curl her hair some more. I say "ok, I'm done, do you want me to do anything else to it?" She says "can you comb them just a couple times then hairspray them please?" I nod, grabbing a comb, and combing them a couple times. She says "thats good" giving me hairspray. I spray her hair and she says "can you do my side too?" I say "yeah" and I do the same to the other side. I say "what do you think, peanut gallery?" Jack and Laney nod and Laney says "its so pretty!" May says "thanks, Alex." I say "you're welcome" and we leave the bathroom as a rich looking old woman come through the door. Men come in from outside, they probably sensed that this woman is here. Jacks dad says "hey, kiddo, whats up?" I say "the sky, you?" He says "the ceiling" winking at me and walking into the living room. Laney says "you guys are weird." I chuckle and May says "were weirder than this normally." Their grandmother says to the adults "what are you guys doing wearing work clothes?" I raise an eyebrow and Jack mumbles "shes going to come interrogate us in a second" rolling his eyes. The grandmother says to the adults "where are the kids?" A few dudes come through the door and one of them says "mom?" Their mom says "you're late ya know." The guy says "whatever, I didn't wanna be here anyways" kind of quietly. I chuckle and Jack mumbles "same." Laney jumps on this guy saying "Jason!" Jason says "hey, whats up?" She says "the sky." Jason raises his eyebrows saying "where did you learn this?" Laney says "my new friend!" Jack says "stop teaching children how to be a smartass" rolling his eyes. We laugh and these dudes come to the kitchen. Jason mumbles "shes already here?!" Jack says "clearly, dumbass." Laney says "we should go outside!" Jack says "lets do that" and we go to the backyard. Jack says "whats happening with you weirdos?" One of the guys say "third wheeling with these guys suck. Try sitting in the car with these guys for hours!" Jason says "were not that bad and it was like 2 hours." May says "scream at them, it works 70 percent of the time." Jack says "I might just scream at you guys randomly." I say "you do that anyways" chuckling. May says "Jack, you really do." Jack says "whatever." I lean against him saying "whatever" rolling my eyes. He says "don't mock me" and everyone chuckles. May says "you guys practically live together and you still have arguments like this?" We laugh and I say "yes" chuckling. Jason nods to me saying "whats your deal, dude? Going crazy with these guys?" I say "I don't have a deal, yes, everyday I'm going crazy with these weirdos." I then sarcastically say "wow May, who did your hair? It looks fabulous." She says "this weird dude helped me do it. His boyfriends really annoying though." Jack says "hey!" I smile saying "you aren't that annoying, Jack." May says "yes, you are, Jack." Jack pouts and I say "awww, poor Jack" and the guys chuckle. I bite my lip and Jason says "shes coming" quietly. Their grandmother comes out and Jack lets go of my hand and Jason lets go of the other guys hand. Laney mumbles "I'm scared" curling into Jasons lap. Jason mumbles "I know." Their grandma says "if you're outside aren't you supposed to be playing?" I mumble "aren't you supposed to shut up?" Jack chuckles and the guys chuckle. The grandma says "well?" Jason says "no, most of us are almost adults." Their grandmother disgustingly says "who are these other people?" I raise an eyebrow and Jack says "thats Alex" and Jason says "this is Asa and thats Matt." She looks at Jack saying "let me guess, f*g? Your girlfriends a fucking tr**ny?" I flinch saying "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" Their grandma says "you're a child, its disrespectful to swear, especially at your elder." I say "shut the fuck up! Your not my anything, I'm not your anything, don't even talk to me!" She says "tr**ny" and I go inside, sobbing immediately. Everyone in the kitchen looks at me and Joyce says "what did Jack do to you?" She hugs me and I say "he didn't do anything to me" sobbing. Jack comes in screaming "THIS IS WHY WE DON'T INVITE HER, THE FUCK GUYS?!" He takes me from his moms arms, mumbling "you ok, handsome?" I shake my head, crying. He says "I'm sorry." I say "its not your fucking fault, Jack." He plays with the hair on the back of my neck, mumbling "shes not right, ya know?" I say "yes, she is, Jack" crying. Their grandmother comes in and she mumbles "she deserves it." Jack pulls away saying "get the fuck out!" Their grandmother says "I'm just saying the truth!" Jack says "I don't fucking care! Get the fuck out!" She rolls her eyes, leaving and says "I hope she disowns you, f*g!" The adults gasp and I sob into Jacks chest, saying "am I a girl?" Jack mumbles "of course not" kissing my forehead. I say "I wanna go back. I can't do it anymore." Jack says "what do you mean?" I sob saying "I can't be a guy anymore. I wanna be like this but people are fucking like that and it fucking sucks." Jack says "there are always going to be like that" playing with my hair. I say "I know" crying. Jack kisses my head saying "shes always like that, its not just you" rubbing my back. I say "whats her deal anyways?" Joyce says "I don't know, I'm so sorry, honey." I say "its ok, its not your fault" hugging Jack.

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