Alex's POV
I go in and she smiles saying "hey, whats happening?" I say "can I ask you a couple things?" She says "sure." I say "umm, can I change my name on all the attendance list please?" She says "yeah, is there a reason?" I say "umm, this is fully like teacher-student confidentiality?" She says "of course!" I say "I'm trans and my dead name's on the list." She says "of course I'll fix  it! I'm so sorry that it was like that!" I say "its ok! It used to happen all the time. Don't worry about it." She says "you said you had another question." I say "yes, umm, you said that anyone with less than 1 credit had to do PE like immediately. Can I move that like 3 months in the future?" She says "may I ask why?" I shyly say "binding and exercising isn't a good match." She says "ok, I'm just curious, why were pushing it a few months?" I say "actually a few weeks, I'm getting my stuff messed up" chuckling. She smiles saying "thats ok." I say "I'm having top surgery in a few weeks so I could wait until then. Thats why I want to push it." She says "thats amazing! Congratulations! I could just give you an alternative for your half a credit left if you want so you don't have to do it at all." I say "thank you, its ok, I can do it. Trying to push myself to do things I don't want to. If we can push it a few weeks though, that would be great." She says "alright ill put it in your schedule notes and I'll also get an email to the PE teacher. I heard you were sick yesterday so, hows your first day today?" I say "its really good actually, it's different compared to every other school I've been to. This place also looks like a castle so that's cool and the teachers I've met so far are cool." She says "thats awesome! Yeah, I like how this place looks like a castle cause I feel like Dumbledore going into work everyday." I chuckle saying "if I were you, I would too." She says "ok, name is changed. You're next class it should be changed online. The papers will be reprinted next week. Your next classes though, all those teachers take attendance on their laptops so you should be fine. You don't have those till tomorrow though." I say "thank you." She says "you good with roommates, I don't need to switch anything? I ask everyone this about a week in but you've already spent like all your time together for like 4 days." I say "I'm good with everything involving roommates. If I need to, I'll kick him out myself." She laughs saying "I'm sure you will, I hope everything goes well for you in the next few weeks." I say "thank you" and I open the door and I see Jack. He sees me and says "mom, I'm here to change my roommate!" The nice woman I was just talking to says "Jack shut up" rolling her eyes. I say "we didn't agree to this" chuckling. Jack says "I'm kidding!" The principal says "I know" chuckling. She says "what are you doing, getting in trouble again?" May comes in saying "Jacks being mean!" The principal says "about?" May says "he said I have a big head." I laugh saying "oh no, Jack, you need worst insults. Are you like 4?" May says "thats what I was saying!" Their mom laughs saying "they get weirder, they don't get worse, Alex." I chuckle saying "got it." The bell rings and May says "Jack, I'm taking Alex from you." Jack says "rude." We leave the office after May signs us out and Jack says "I'm gonna sleep, wake me up when you get back" pretending to sleep on the floor. I chuckle, helping him up. I say "I will but don't sleep on the floor" chuckling. He says "I won't" rolling his eyes. We go our separate ways and May says "you like each other, get married, take my babies." I laugh, blushing slightly, and I say "do not" rolling my eyes. She says "bullshit, you're blushing. Tell me everything." I say "I'm not telling you everything! You're 14 and this is your brother were talking about" rolling my eyes. She says "eww, right. Never mind." We laugh and she says "but I ship it." I roll my eyes saying "I'm hungry." She says "me too, where should we go?" I say "hmmm, I don't know." May says "me either" and we walk until we find Macdonald's. We look at each other and I say "I'm down if we eat a lot of French fries." She says "mmmm, me too." We walk in and I mumble "I think people are going to think I'm taking you on a dingy date." We laugh and she says "I'll order and get it to go and we can go outside or something." I say "I'm down" giving her 10 dollars. She says "awesome" and goes to order. A dude stands next to me saying "dick move, man. Making your girl order and take her to Macdonald's, dick move." I say "shes not my girl" rolling my eyes. He says "you sure?" I say "yup, I'm really fucking sure" chuckling. He says "so, if I hit on her, you aren't going to punch me?" I say "nope, go for it. Don't be a fucking perv though cause then I will fuck your face up." He says "deal" shaking my hand. He says "you her brother or something?" I say "no, in law if all works out in a couple years time though" chuckling. The guy says "alright, thats fair, dude. How old is she?" I say "does age matter?" He says "yeah, if shes over 18, yeah." I say "makes sense, I think I heard shes 14." May comes back saying "you getting hit on, Alex?" I say "no but someone wants to hit on you" making the guy tap my shoulder. May says "Jacks gonna kill him but have food, save me some" handing me the bag and immediately talking to the guy. I say "no he's not, he might kill your food though." The guy chuckles and I go back to the dorms, signing myself back in. I go up to my room and Jack groans saying "hi." I say "whats wrong?" He says "nothing" and he's laying face down on my bed. I straddle his hips laying my head in between his shoulder blades, saying "hi" eating French fries. He picks his head up a little saying "what are you eating?" I say "French fries" he mumbles "I want one." I chuckle, feeding him one. I kiss his cheek, mumbling "how are you, baby?" He mumbles "good" rubbing my thigh. He says "where did you put my sister?" I chuckle saying "a guy was telling me that I was being a dick letting her order cause he thought we were dating. Whatever, he was pulling the if I flirt with her I'm not going to get punched and I said no so shes with that guy now." Jack mumbles "k" playing with my fingers. I smile, kissing his neck. He rubs my thigh and I feed him another French fry.

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