Alex's POV
May says "mm, I love food." I groan saying "me too" and she says "ok" pulling out her phone. May says "ok, when and where were you born?" I say "December 14 and Essex, England." May says "who was the most influential person as a child?" I say "my mom probably or Spider Man" chuckling. She smiles saying "any stories about your childhood that you've never forgotten?" I laugh saying "my dad told me this last year that when I was bored and I had food on the tray still, I was like 5, I would throw food at him not my mom just him when he walked by" laughing. She laughs saying "Jack still throws food at people" making me laugh. May says "who was your best friend at the beginning of high school and are you still in touch with them?" I say "I was popular at the beginning of high school before I started transitioning, I was out to my parents but I didn't start transitioning until the next year, anyways I was best friends with everyone, I could tell you lots of things about everyone that was in my freshman class. Everyone was my best friend and I fell out with all of them cause I moved to home school when I started transitioning. Then I went to a different school when junior year, this year, got expelled, and now I'm here." She says "hmm, what did you like the least about school?" I say "all the people, once I was talking to all of them they were all carbon copies of each other, they all liked the same thing, played the same sport, and they all listened to the same song until another one got popular." May says "that sounds like shit, what would people you know be surprised about you as a teen? They thought we'd be doing this on adults in our lives but I'm different so I'm doing it on you instead." I chuckle saying "thats ok, hmmmm. That I'm into stuff involving space and I like superheroes. Thats a weird thing about me that they wouldn't know." May says "really?" I nod saying "I'm into all kind of weird stuff" and she asks "what is or what was your favorite bands or musicians in high school." I say "thats always been the same. Lots of punk rock like Green Day, Blink 182, Nirvana, Foo Fighters. Stuff like that." She says "those bands are like the best. What was your first job?" I say "hmm, I worked in a skate shop and a comic book store at the same time for a little while. I was also an apprentice for a hair stylist, the summer before sophomore year. Those are my first jobs. So, I was a hair stylists apprentice first though. I talk a lot sorry." She laughs saying "thats ok. I'm not worried about it. Whats your ideal job?" I say "well, I want to be a chef when I finish school, I'm gonna go to culinary school when I'm done here." She says "mmm, food. Do you have any siblings?" I say "I do not." May says "who are you closest to in your family?" I say "my mom" chuckling. I say "this is just me talking about my mom." She laughs saying "who do you admire the most in your family?" I say "my dad! I'll never live up to his work ethic or anything he does no matter how much I try!" We laugh and we keep eating. She says "the next ones don't apply to you unless you've been married or you're in a relationship." I say "not applicable at all." We chuckle and she says "ok, who's your biggest fan do you think?" I say "probably my mom" chuckling. She says "whose biggest fan are you?" I say "my dad. As you can see, I don't get out much" laughing. We laugh and May says "last one, what is your definition of happiness?" I say "hmm,  being comfortable with yourself, in your own skin, and liking where you are with everything. Your happiness is about you not someone making you happy. Of course someone can make you happy but your general happiness is about you. For example, I have anxiety, ADHD, and depression. Its my job to get out of bed though right? its my job to leave if I have an anxiety attack, its my job to do something or not to do it if its better for me even if I don't want to. Here's a better one, I hate shots, needles, and anything to do with them but guess what? I'm trans so I inject myself with hormones on a weekly basis because thats more important to me than my fear of needles. You just gotta do something if you know its going to make you happy wether it might not feel the nicest right now. You get it?" May says "thats a different way to look at it, I get it. I'm gonna look at stuff like you, might help me in life a bit" chuckling. I say "if anything bad happens don't come and get me" laughing. She says "I won't" laughing. I chuckle and we finish eating. She throws everything away and sits down saying "I just recorded everything that I just asked you. We can present the audio but it has to be all of it unedited. I have to write the paper too I just need your permission to share the audio." I say "are you sharing my name?" She says "I don't have to." I say "I'm just not ready to be out yet I don't think, so, I'm ok with if you only put like my first name and use the audio is fine. They'll just hear us eating" laughing. May says "mhmmm. Just hear us talking about food that would be great." I say "mhmm. That would be great. All these breadsticks are gonna be gone" chuckling. May says "mhmm, yummy" chuckling. She says "I have to go shower and get ready for class, I also have a date tonight, don't tell Jack and don't be surprised if I come back crying! Woohoo! I'll see you later, Alex." I say "good luck with everything, I'll see you later." She says "yeah, thank you" hugging me and leaving. We finished everything but the breadsticks, I'll be eating those when I get hungry again. I mumble "oh my god, I'm so horny. Fuck, I could get off right now." I whine, flopping on the bed. I mumble "what time is it" rolling over to check my phone. I mumble "almost time for Jack to come back. Yay. I'm horny and tired" whining. I yell "UGUHGHGH, IS THIS WHAT BEING A MAN IS LIKE?" I hear someone yell "YEAH, PROBABLY." I yell "THANK YOU, IM HAVING SELF DOUBT" laughing my ass off. They yell "YOU'RE WELCOME." I groan mumbling "I'm bored but I'd like to get off first." I hate this but having T in my body is nice.

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