Alex's POV
Jaime says "so, before break I was here in the dorm because our teacher let us go early. This guy was screaming in his room, sounding like he was having a terrible time about being a man. Just terrible I was about to be like you ok? instead I just yelled back, lets just say I thought it was funny as fuck." Everyone bursts out laughing and I say "that was me" laughing. I say "I was struggling this morning" chuckling. We all laugh even more and I say "I was a mess earlier and still am" chuckling. Jack lays next to me mumbling "what were you yelling about?" I chuckle saying "I was yelling about struggling." Jaime says "you sounded so done like are you ok?" I say "yeah, I was annoyed with myself. Long story. I complain a lot too." We laugh and Tony says "I really need to find someone to interview" chuckling. Mike says "interview Alex or something." May says "hey! No, he's my test subject not yours." I say "I'm a test subject now, what?" Zack says "I'm surprised you guys haven't given Alex a drag queen personality yet." Kellin says "I'm too lazy to do one." I mumble "I've already changed genders I don't think I'm gonna do it again artificially." Jack and I laugh and Kellin says "what are you guys laughing at?" Kellin says "if you're going to be a drag queen why not just go all the way? I'm just kidding!" I say "fucking triggered" chuckling. I laugh saying "I mean sure why not?" Vic says "Alex, you seem interesting, I'd like to read your biography if you write one and I don't read." I laugh saying "if I do that I'd have to do an audiobook and I'd have to do a British accent or something." May says "oh, you could get that back easily." I say "if I hung out with my parents only for several months, yeah I'd get it back." Zack says "youre British?!" I say "yeah." Rian says "I don't believe you." I say "uh, talk to my parents, you'd get an idea." May says "can I write your biography?!" I say "uhhh, we can co write" chuckling. May says "yay!" Vic says "can I just keep you? Like in my closet?" Kellin says "triggered" and we laugh. I say "whats with people waning to keep me?" Jack hugs me saying "cause you're so cute" and I blush saying "shut up" rolling my eyes. I say "no going back in the closet. That joke had to be said." Half the group says "mood." Tony says "this is slowly turning into a therapy group." We all laugh and Jack says "its always been like that" chuckling. I say "what do you guys do? Just sit here? I'm bored." May says "me too. We should eat food." Jack says "you guys ate food like all morning?" I say "so? I was fucking hungry" laughing. I say "I should not eat anything ever again. Thats how I feel right now but I'm really hungry." Mike says "how much did you eat?" I laugh saying "like 3 quarters of a pizza and a lot of fucking pasta" laughing. May says "carbs the house." We laugh and Jack says "food." I say "just a black hole. Now I'm sweating and I want to cry." I roll to my stomach and Jack rubs my back, sitting up. I yawn and my phone rings. I say "Jack, can you get that for me?" He hands me my phone and I say "hello?" My mom says "are you laying on your stomach?" I say "yeah, why?" She says "I can hear it in your voice, don't do that, you're going to break your ribs, Alex." I say "I'm comfortable though. I'm not gonna break my ribs!" She says "yes, you will if you're wearing a binder you're going to break your ribs, the doctor said so!" I say "fine, I'll move" moving to lay on my back. She says "you doing ok?" I say "yeah, I'm messed up as usual but I'm ok." She says "have you eaten today?" I laugh saying "have I eaten today? What happened yesterday?" She says "oh yeah, how much did you eat today?" I laugh saying "a lot." Mom says "great. You not passing out?" I say "no, I've been taking all my other stuff so that doesn't happen like it was before." She says "ok, gaining any muscle? I'm just supposed to ask so I can update your doctor." I say "I know and tell him I still have fucking girl arms! My arms are still skinny as fuck!" Mom chuckles saying "it'll happen eventually. What about like hair loss?" I say "no, I'm not losing hair I hope." The guys chuckle and Kellin says "I wonder what its like to transition? I really want to write a book. I don't want to offend anyone though. I'm a mess." I chuckle saying "same. I'll talk to you later, mom. I'm still alive, I'm good." She says "alright, dude. I'll see you later" hanging up. I say "you're writing a book?" Kellin says "I want to but I'm just worried I'm going to offend people if I get it published." I say "is this just a one time thing or do you want to do this as a job?" He says "as a job but this is my current project but I don't know how to start." I say "well, whats your idea." He says "this is so weird but I find it so cool to look into like a trans persons life and write what their life is like versus what we hear like movies. It would be cool to have them as a main character, what its like to make the decisions to go through with everything, plus daily life, and a lot of other things. Do you have any on how to help me or how to start it? You can have all the credit you want but I know what I want to write and my ending goal but I don't know how to start it." I say "hmm, are you basing it on their journey or just them as a person?" He says "both but mostly their journey." I say "ok, umm, then if I were doing this I'd think about your character and where you want them to end up by the end. You also have to think about how they are feeling before they are feeling dysphoria and all that shit, right? Then you want to go through the coming out to their parents or guardians. Can I ask you something?" He says "sure." I say "are you straight?" He says "no" chuckling. I say "think about it this way then. You have these milestones, coming out, dating someone, realization, not in that order of course but they have to be there, ya know? With being trans though theres a lot more involved like can my parents afford this? If they are teens, if they are adults, can I afford it? If they can't, how can I make it happen? What kind of surgeries do I want if any? What is your character dysphoric about? Do they go to therapy and them get diagnosed with gender dysphoria? Most don't but some do. Do they have a crush at school its a whole thing. It would be very important to me if you didn't base their whole life around it though make it like a teen novel. You're a teen, you know what people your age want to read but make it your own like you want to now. There are so many different things to do for your story when you are making a trans person a main character but I feel like you're going to be really excited with how you build the characters" looking down.

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