Alex's POV
My surgeon comes back and he says "alright, I'm back. You have an IV and everyones ready. You feel alright?" I nod saying "yup, I'm ready to go. Lets do this before I change my mind out of anxiety." He says "ok, well, were ready so well get you on stuff and you're going to get loopy and you'll feel really relaxed." I nod and he says "perfect. So, anyone have any questions?" Jack is about to say something and I say "shut your damned mouth. I know what you're going to ask and I'm sure its on the paper mom will get later" rolling my eyes. He says "fine." The surgeon chuckles and mom says "do you have any good questions?" I think for a second saying "no." Jack says "nope" looking down. Mom says "I think were good." The surgeon says "great" and the anesthesiologist comes in with a big IV bag and I say "holy shit, thats giant." She chuckles saying "you ready?" I say "yup, I'm ready." They have me change into this think without anything on under it, I hate this then I come back. She connects the IV bag to my IV with a tube. She says "just relax. Were going to bring you to the operating room and go from there ok?" I nod and they give me a minute alone with Jack. He rests his head on my chest, mumbling "I love you." I run my fingers through is hair mumbling "I love you too" kissing his forehead. I smile, mumbling "I'm so hungry." We laugh and he kisses my chest, my chin, then my lips. He mumbles "your heart is racing, surgery isn't that bad, it'll go really quickly" kissing me. He rubs my side mumbling "I love you" and I smile, mumbling "I love you too." He rests his head back on my chest. He leans up to kiss me and they come back. The anesthesiologist says "you feeling it yet?" I nod and the surgeon and the anesthesiologist get me into the operation room. I laugh to myself and the anesthesiologist says "what are you laughing about?" I say "I remember that Jack insisted on having before and after pictures. I think that he just wanted pictures of my boobs. He's a weirdo" chuckling. She chuckles saying "he seems nice though." I say "he is, he's a weirdo but he's nice and he's nice to look at" making everyone chuckle around me. I chuckle and a couple people in the operating room move me to the table. This woman starts talking to me, shes really nice but I can't exactly get my words out cause my muscles are so relaxed and I end up falling asleep.
A few hours, felt like a second later
I wake up slowly and reluctantly to the nurse that brought me in in the first place. She says "how are you feeling, dude?" I say "good, still full of medication but I feel good." She says "amazing, you want me to go get your mom?" I nod lazily and she goes to get my mom and hopefully Jack. She comes back with them and my mom says "hey, buddy. How do you feel?" I say "good" closing my eyes. Jack sits next to my bed and he pokes my cheek. I say "don't poke me" making grabby hands at him. He hugs me, kissing my temple. I smile and he kisses me. I look at the nurse, saying "can I try and stand up?" She says "yeah, but you're going to need help." I say "fine" slowly sitting up. I say "woah, too fast" laughing. I bite my lip and Jack pulls me up slowly. I mumble "I am so high." Jack chuckles, putting his arm around my waist, making sure I stay up. The nurse gives Jack my clothes and we go into a bathroom. I lean against the sink saying "I want a kiss." He chuckles, kissing me gently. I wrap my arm around his neck my other one holding me up on the sink cause I might fall. I put my boxers on before taking this off. Jack says "you wanna take a video of the reveal, we can show it at your graduation party." I laugh saying "ok, we can't take the bandaging off though." He says "I know" and he stands against the wall, taking a video on his phone. He says "what are we doing, Alex?" I say "a final reveal of sorts" laughing. I say "I'm high, I might cry, that kind of rhymed. I'm a rapper now, call me lil boy. Kill me now" laughing even more. I say "how do I wanna do this? I think I'm gonna close my eyes and not look cause I haven't even looked down yet. I need an authentic reveal. Yup, thats what I'm gonna do." Jack chuckles and I close my eyes, turning towards the mirror slowly. I say "if I fall, will you catch me?" Jack says "yes" chuckling. He then sarcastically says "no, I'll let you fall." I keep my eyes closed and I untie this fabric thing I had to wear. I say "thanks" and I bite my lip saying "I'm nervous and I'm really hungry." I take the thing off and I say "does it look good?" Jack says "yeah, it looks really good." I say "should I look?" He says "you're going to end up looking at it when you open your eyes either way so unless you want to keep your eyes closed then I would look." I say "you have a point." I then open my eyes and I say "this is crazy" biting my lip. He says "what do you think?" I smile saying "I'm really happy" smiling. I bite my lip and Jack turns the video off. He kisses me and squeezes my hip. He gives me my pants and I put them on, almost falling over. He grabs my arm and he says "no falling, I'm in trouble if you do." I smile saying "I know" tightening my sweatpants. He gives me a tee shirt and I say "no binder. I can breathe while I wear a shirt, look at this." Jack chuckles saying "look at that" kissing me. I say "I feel lighter." Jack chuckles saying "of course you do, I would hope so" kissing my cheek. We go back to the hospital room and I sit down saying "I made it." Mom chuckles saying "you happy about it?" I nod saying "of what I can see, yeah." The nurse says "thats great, surgery went really well, and you can go home just be easy on yourself for the next day before you do anything strenuous." I nod and mom says "when do we take the bandaging off? Assuming there is bandaging." The nurse says "when it starts to fall off, you can just take it right off." Mom nods and the nurse says "you can leave just limit moving your arms cause you don't want to rip stitches. Be limited to that for a week or 2 then you can start to move. Your mom has the paper for what you can and can't do. Now, you may go home." We all chuckle and I sit up slowly. The nurse leaves the room and Jack helps me up, putting his arm around my waist. He says "you alright?" I nod saying "I'm tired" leaning against him. We get to the car and Jack sits next to the door in the back seat and I sit in the middle, leaning against him, pretty much half laying down. I say "I give up on sitting and I lay down, my head in Jacks lap. He runs his hand through my hair and mom says "ok, were like half an hour away anyways." I look up at Jack and I smile, him messing with my hair.

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