Kik [8] Courage The Cowardly Dog

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Ashton frowned when he saw that none of Luke's messages contained anything that is related with last week's incident. Ignoring the fact that Luke called him the f word, he knows Luke means it jokingly, Luke is one too.

With face still etched with a frown, Ashton type a reply.

Irwie77: So you're gonna play it like that?

Luke's reply came almost immediately.

HemmoxPenguinx: play what

Ashton thinks it's impossible for his frown to get any deeper.

Irwie77: Like nothing happened

HemmoxPenguinx: maybe its bc nothing actually happened

By now a small pout had made it's way to Ashton's lips. So he called his crush on Ashton nothing? Sad thing was that it's rather important to Ashton. But it wasn't even Luke's fault in the first place, so Ashton doesn't really have much to say on it.

If Luke wants to play this game, so be it.

Before Ashton could type a reply, a message from Luke popped on his screen.

HemmoxPenguinx: so how abt we continue that 20 questions


Another week passed, another week closer to school and they never stopped talking. Wether it's twelve in the afternoon or two in the morning.

Ashton could never get Luke's cerulean blue eyes out of his mind, so he let the image stay. He never told Luke that he knew how Luke looks like, he also didn't tell him they lived in the same town or the fact that he's been stalking Calum and Luke's own twitter in case something important happens -like another picture of Luke.

Even around town, he's never seen Luke, which was surprising considering it's a relatively small town. But when he found out why, he can't really help it when Luke doesn't come out much.

Michael's been constantly being a bug that reminds him that he owes it to Michael, and whenever Ashton would ask about how he should pay it back Michael would just stare at him intently and say, "Make Calum Hood love me," and Ashton thinks he's not ready to blow something like that to Luke's face.

Their talks didn't really consist of much heavy topics, they mostly talk about stupid shit like what they did earlier that day, funny childhood experiences and sometimes they would even flirt. But it's on rare occasions, they're both pretty hesitant since Luke's rant, and Ashton hasn't exactly cleared up anything about himself yet.

This time Ashton was telling Luke about his crazy uncle Tom who kills animals and save their rotten bodies in his fridge, the man would always somehow ruin family gatherings in the weirdest way possible.

HemmoxPenguinx: holy fuckinf hell

Irwie77: I know, and the worst part is that he's still out wandering the world.

HemmoxPenguinx: pls get that man a leash what if someday he gets bored of animals and decided that ppl would be better

Irwie77: Jesus, the way you conclude things scares me sometimes.

HemmoxPenguinx: nvm

HemmoxPenguinx: change of topic im watching courage the cowardly dog on cartoon network

The show sparked some memory inside Ashton's mind so he walked to the living room and turned the tv on, switching the channels until he found the show with the pink dog who likes to scream.

Irwie77: Just turned the telly, I haven't watched this show in years. I can't believe they still play it on tv.

HemmoxPenguinx: they do but mostly on mornings i watch kid shows on mornings whenever i can

HemmoxPenguinx: holy shit are u watching it this episode never failed to creep me out since i was a kid

Ashton looked up to see a little dude in a coat sucking from Muriel's nose with his tentacle while Courage was stuck in a closet.

Irwie77: That coat dude turned out to be some alien right? He took Muriel's kindness I think

HemmoxPenguinx: yeah he did

HemmoxPenguinx: This whole show is on drugs I swear

Irwie77: Now that I've come to think of it, I'm starting to wonder why this is considered a children's show.

Irwie77: Remember the Freaky Fred episode?

HemmoxPenguinx: i think so. is it the guy who likes to cut hair or smth

Irwie77: Yes that one, apparently he's schizophrenic.

HemmoxPenguinx: shit i never noticed

And they talked about the stupid show and their own experiences watching it when they were a kid until a certain scene on another episode caught Ashton's eye. It was 'The Night of The Weremole' and Muriel went loco and her hair turned red.

Ashton bursted in a fit of giggles when an image of a certain person flashed in his mind.

Irwie77: You know, weremole Muriel kinda reminds me of my friend Michael.

Ashton sent a picture of Michael in his red haired glory to Luke, for him to see the resemblance.

Irwie77: {picture delivered} (pic on top/side)

HemmoxPenguinx: u know, i was actually planning on being a good person for once and defend ur friend but i dont wanna lie bc i see no difference between him and muriel

HemmoxPenguinx: and if he ever reads this tell him im not sorry


wtf i just spent half a page talking about courage the cowardly dog (that show wrecked my childhood and made me scared of everything)

stuff is gonna go down in the next chapter hey ho.

it's only been a day since the last update and it's already 5k wow you people really work magic don't ya, where do you even go to school? hogwarts? just wanna say i love y'all with my ass bc my ass is bigger than my heart <333

and btw i'd really appreciate it if you guys would comment more i love it when people comment i know most of you are sarcastic little balls and i'd like to hear your opinions

-lia :) x

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