IRL [12A] Start of Something New

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ok a few changes; luke in this book is luke in the pic in chapter 10 and ash is fedora season ash, aka ash in the pic on top. ash is taller than luke bc small!luke is cute stfu.




Luke couldn't recall any moments in his life where's he's been more fucking terrified than he is now.

"Behave," his mother told him, stopping the car right outside the school gate, apparently she thinks he will fuck something up if she doesn't at least take him to school and remind him of his attitude today.

She continued, "and please try not to turn on your sensitive-defensive mode and pick a fight. It's only the first day."

Luke fought the urge to roll his eyes, yeah sure, he'll be too busy trying to avoid any possible encounter with his internet crush to even fight someone. But he agreed to assure his mother anyway, he gave his mother a quick hug before stepping out of the car, Calum following closely behind Luke almost forgot he was there.

Calum tapped the window and smiled at Luke's mum, "Don't worry Liz, I'll take care of him."

The blonde waved his mother goodbye as she drove off and he turned around to face the building, managing to repeat a simple inhale and exhale process to calm himself down.

He glanced down at his phone in his hands, where the lockscreen just lit up, showing a Kik notification.


The message cut off right after to fit the screen. Good. Luke thinks he might just pass out if he has to face the rest of it. He's already feeling light-headed.

Ashton insisted that they exchange numbers, but Luke- by some miracle- somehow managed to convince him otherwise by telling him that they should just exchange numbers in person.

Calum clutched his phone with one hand, bag slinging over one shoulder. He looks like he's glad to be alive, or freshly fucked, whichever. Opposite to Luke who's both straps are on like a freshman on their first day, sweaty fingers holding on to his phone for dear life completed with chewed lips and a bad posture.

"Did you bring a gun?" He asked Calum. The other boy raised a brow at that.

Luke groaned as if the answer was obvious, stomping his foot like a whiny child, "So I can shoot myself incase my meetup with Ashton goes terribly."

Calum rolled his eyes, smiling in amusement and moved so he was standing next to Luke, patting his back in support. "Chill, Lucas. I know the bloke, he's like a walking sunshine, nothing bad is going to happen. Trust me."

"Well, at least tell me you brought a knife or something?"


Luke expected them to meet at a secluded place or something, like after school in the woods and shit, now that he remembers, maybe he should've done a sacrificing ritual, he could've sacrificed Calum's dick in the middle of the woods to help his nerves or something.

(Maybe if he wasn't such a coward he'd like a living version of Start of Something New).

He never expected Ashton to wait in front of his new locker with a pair of curious eyes eyeing them in the hallway.

Ashton is, after all, the captain of the basketball team.

(Troy Bolton as Luke called him, or Queen of England, whatever).

It's still early, so the school wasn't packed and it's kinda safe if anything embarrassing happens. Luke was glad for his mother, she knew how it is to be late on your first day.

Luke felt like passing out when he finally took in Ashton's appearance: a fedora sat adorably on top of his wavy hair, completed with a white tank top that shows off his muscles and tight, tight jeans that compliments his wonderful thighs beautifully.

Ashton's looks made wanking in church look like child's play, like a kid accidentally spilling paint on the wall.

He looks like walking sin, Jesus.

(Luke really regretted not watching Supernatural).

And the bright sunshine grin only made Luke feel more guilty about his dirty thoughts. He feels so inferior when it comes to Ashton, and he doesn't even know why.

If internet Luke had taken over his personality, he'd probably moan right now, but sadly the new guy in a new town mode had automatically activated that morning.

His whole body tensed as his steps slowed down a few feet away from his locker, Ashton's grin unfaltering, not even once.

Calum gave Luke a side hug and pushed him so he stumbled forward and finally regained his balance right in front of the devil himself.

"Hey," he greeted lowly, his mouth forming a shy smile as his blue eyes stared nervously straight into Ashton's confident ones.

(His eyes are kaleidoscopic, it turns golden-like hazel when the light shines on it but on certain angles it looks green, like spring green. It's the most beautiful pair of eyes Luke's ever seen).

It only took about two seconds before Ashton threw his arms around Luke and engulfed him in a bone crushing bear hug.

"Hi baby."



I divided it into two parts because I'm a procrastinating bitch and I love this book too much.


btw its my 14th birthday happy birthday to me lol


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