Kik [4] Faith in Homosexuality

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Luke thinks that the Ashton guy lives near him, it was probably around the same time in his place when Ashton said it was two in the morning back in his. Luke's not sure though, he never gave a shit about time before.

But wouldn't it be cool to meetup with a social media friend though?

After having to packup in the beginning of summer to have an abrupt move to a small unknown town, -which obviously had something to do with him- he guesses meeting up with an internet friend could be the highlight of the day.

Besides he could use another friend other than Calum, he's never been that popular. Not exactly picked on, but he's more invisible. Well, until the mayor's party, but that only lasted for a second before his family moved away. Which he, thankfully is grateful for.

So when Ashton replied to messages, maybe he giggled. Yes, males giggle, stop the discrimination. Jesus.

HemmoxPenguinx: tell me about yourself

Irwie77: Well, I'm Ashton. I'm gonna be a senior in high school. I have two younger siblings and I fucking love boys and bands. Not boybands though. That's a different story.

Luke made a not bad face, it was enough for him. But he needed to know more, and he's not willing to ask about locations yet.

HemmoxPenguinx: lets play 20 qs!

Irwie77: okay. You start.

And Luke sucks at coming up with questions, so the first thing that came to his mind was,

HemmoxPenguinx: how many exes do you have?

Well of course, being the sore loser he is he never actually dated anyone so he's technically justified to know how much experience Ashton has if Luke wants to charm the fuck out of him.

Irwie77: I struggled with my sexuality for a while, so... A lot.

Irwie77: I don't wanna talk about this. Let's head off to my question. The most interesting thing that happened to you this summer?

Luke rolled his eyes, sighing eternally. That was so expected, how polite and considerable could he be? But that's actually kind of adorable. Not that he'd admit it, no.

So he decided to change the topic into what he hopes a funny story. The event that lead to his family's move.

HemmoxPenguinx: you're gonna fucking love this. okay okay, so it was like a two weeks after summer started.

Ashton didn't reply, but he read it so Luke took that as a sign to continue.

HemmoxPenguinx: i was in another town, i just moved here actually. but anyway back there the mayor always throws this huge dinner party for his employees every year and my dad is one of them so our whole family was there

HemmoxPenguinx: my family members are off to god knows where and i being the lonely fuck i am was eating at the table alone anD SUDDENLY THIS GIRL was legit holding a fucking bIBLE (idfk why it was w/ her) JUST CAME UP TO ME AND ARGUED WITH ME ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY

HemmoxPenguinx: btw i was openly gay and the whole damn town knew it bc im a gay beyonce standing in front of the feminist slogan but instead feminist it says gay so yeah

Irwie77: I'm laughing you so hard you don't understand I'm at an ice cream shop and people are looking at me and my friend Michael weirdly you're so funny.

HemmoxPenguinx: shush im getting off track. we're not there yet dear hold your laughters. anyway she wouldnt shut the hell up so slammed the fucking table nd stood up (every heads turned i swear it was terrifying) and screamed at her like

HemmoxPenguinx: "damn bitch it ain't even about faith there's literally a 1000 yo vase w/ the painting of zeus fucking ganymede while that motherfucker was holding a dildo stop judging my fucking sexuality how about you back the fuck off you inconsiderate hoe"

HemmoxPenguinx: she cried and turned out she was the mayors daughter so


Irwie77: you were making an accurate point actually, the Greek Gods and homosexuality, wow Luke *applauses*

HemmoxPenguinx: idek i got it from tumblr

Irwie77: Okay I'm taking back my words.

Irwie77: Tumblr is so weird like I mean you see this weird gay Jesus thingies

HemmoxPenguinx: i wanked in church once

Irwie77: ???

HemmoxPenguinx: i was 16 and horny and i was at the back and idk i was staring at the crucifix and well jesus is kinda hot

Irwie77: IM OUT BYE


that escalated quickly.

if that's offensive and blasphemic then sorry and all those stuff its meant to be funny but oh well its late and i can barely see and i have an exam tomorrow but i love writing so ta-da!

(my friend's drawing is on the top/side, i dare you to stare at it and not laugh)

anyway do you guys like the new cover?

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