Kik [3] Once Upon A Social Media

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Ashton has a routine of waking up in the morning, its always his alarm clock blaring annoyingly at exactly seven in the morning and due to the lack of self loathe he wouldn't actually chuck his eardrums with a fork so he'd rather throw the poor thing to collide with the wall mercilessly and complain the damage to his mother later.

But apparently the Kik boy had broken the curse by waking him up before seven with his hyperactive messages.

And Ashton, being himself, couldn't go back to sleep again after being woken up. What the hell is the time back in that boy's place anyway? He sounds like he's always that energetic. Thank God for the short conversation this morning -mostly on the other boy's part- Ashton actually learned a bit about him.

So he showered, and took the car despite his mother's protests and drove to his best friend's place. Texting him when he finally arrived.

To: Michael

Wake up you dog

To: Michael

Let's go get ice cream.

From: Michael

piss off ya wanker i need my beauty sleep its too early for ur shit

To: Michael

I'm paying

From: Michael

ill be ready in ten

It actually worked. Ha.

Exactly ten minutes later, Michael walked out with his blazing red hair tamed with a snapback and his signature attire that consist of his Green Day shirt and skinny jeans.

He slammed the door while getting in. "So, ice cream?" he asked cutely. Ashton raised a his hand and formed a fist, offering Michael a fistbump, and said with the most badass voice he could imitate. "Ice cream."


Aftee a mouthful of chocolate ice cream in the nearest shop they always come to, Ashton sat across from Michael at the smile table and told him everything about his once upon a social media encounter with the Luke boy.

The first thing Michael replied to him after swallowing his bits of ice cream was, "You should really find out what he looks like."

"But-" "Don't fucking but me, Irwin. I know how to handle shit in this situations and you don't, now give me your fucking phone."

Ashton glared at him in the best way he could glare and was about to retaliate when Michael glared back at him, and Ashton nearly pissed his pants because well, they didn't nominate Michael as the meanest kid in school for nothing. "Fight me you bitch, I dare you."

So Ashton sighed in defeat and pulled put his phone from his jeans pocket reluctantly, unlocking it and pressing on the Kik app, handing the phone to the awaiting Michael.

"Why didn't you reply?" Michael asked as soon as his eyes scanned the screen. Ashton choked, "What?"

"He sent this like, ten minutes ago-" Michael scrolled on the conversation. "-hm, this boy is... Hyperactive."

Ashton huffed, "Told ya," and then he reached across the table to snatch his phone back. Looking at the replies, he grinned.

HemmoxPenguinx: ur not supposed to aw me u bitch when i tell u something u tell me another fact in return

HemmoxPenguinx: goddamn it fucking reply ashley ur not even reading this i hate u

Ashton's grin got even wider and he doesn't even know why so he typed a reply.

Irwie77: what do you want to know?

And Michael literally stood up from his seat just to read, but obviously being himself, he commented. "You guys are so fucking lame, just fuck already."


not much kik msgs but oh well, its an update nevertheless. and ur introduced to ashton's magical part of life. aNd HEre wE fInallY HAVE MICHAEL cLIFFORD AND HES LASHTON AF *crowd applauses and erupts into cheers*

anyway i hope you all have a good day i love you and say no to drugs, kids *three fingers hunger games salute* or you'll end up like snow and his fucked up mind like wtf who in their right minds even creates games like thg smh


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