IRL [12B] Start of Something New

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This is so shitty I just watched Phineas and Ferb Last Day of Summer I'm emotional :(((

I'm sorry for any mistakes, I don't know how the school system works anywhere outside my own country *scratches back of neck* I bullshitted everything here. Apologies. *peace sign*




Meeting Luke was different than he had expected.

He expected the scrawny boy to jump into his arms and wrap his legs around his waist, squealing and spilling seventeen years worth autobiography into his ears.

But he didn't.

Luke was so calm and composed, careful on what to say, refusing to look into Ashton's eyes. Later on he figured that this was a temporary thing, just Luke adjusting to the new environment, learning his surroundings- Luke's excitement slipped through him every so often every time they start talking about something he likes.

After they had taken a visit the office, Ashton decided to take Luke for a walk around the school, saying that he's helping the boy get his way around, well that's only half-true.

When they walked down an empty hallway, Ashton asked, "So, how'd you like this town so far?"

Luke averted his gaze from Ashton to the row of lockers on his right before looking down, "I like it, people stick to their own business, way better than what it used to be."

Ashton nodded, he'd kept his distance since they started walking. Figuring that the encounter had gotten awkward due to his 'hi baby' slip up, he didn't mean to. He was just so excited he forgot that they had an audience. Luke had pulled away a bit, and despite the pang of hurt in his chest he kept his smile, he had no right to show any negative emotion. Luke was the new boy.

(And he's Ashton's. Even if they've never officially been through that. Now, he just needs to mark his territory without the boy himself knowing. He doesn't have to know, but others do.)

Ashton heard Luke snicker, breaking the awkward silence that engulfed them after the last question.


Luke shook his head.

"Luke, c'mon you can tell me." Ashton begged, he never liked begging but for Luke, anything. Heck, he'd even throw himself off a cliff if the boy asks him to, not that Luke's that type of guy.

Ashton wasn't surprised at how fast he was on his knees for this boy, it was bound to happen sooner or later, what's outside doesn't matter, he knows this boy like the back of his hand despite what people say.

Ashton was surprised at how well he is taking this, he should be freaking out, but he isn't. Ashton ran through every single one of their online conversations in his head and grinned, Luke and his childish and sunshine-like personality somehow makes Ashton feels better. Luke makes him feel like everything that's bad in this world is restored.

Luke sent Ashton a reassuring grin, "Just, my thoughts. Crossed something funny."

"I'd pay to see what's on your mind." Ashton responded without thinking.

Luke stopped in his tracks, staring at Ashton with wide blue eyes. That's one thing Ashton learned, Luke's easily surprised by compliments despite his bold nature on the internet. And second, he doesn't blush. He may giggle and cross his eyes, but he wasn't the type to blush. Ashton feels a bit inferior to that because he blushes like crazy.

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