!! NOTE !!

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I started writing this during 2014 when I had little to no education at all, so you'll most likely find to something offensive in literally every chapter. The latest chapters I published are the drafts that's been there for months.

I am disappointed to say that this book isn't full of character development and personal relationships even though this book is indeed my biggest writing achievement (statistically) in the years I've spent in this website.

This also lacks presentation for the lgbtqa+ community, despite this being a book about gays. But that's where the irony is, it's only about gays. I've even gone through several identity issuess that I decided not to mention here during the progress of this.

So to new readers or old ones rereading, please enjoy your journey and forgive me for all the mistakes I've made during the making of this story.

Lee ♡ March 2017

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