• epilogue •

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seeing his hair blow gently in the breeze of a warm summer day, to spot that heart stopping smile upon his face, holding his hand as we walked together. the moments of bliss were all i could of ever imagined of and instead of them just being imagination they turned to reality. being a demon wasn't a wonderful life choice but being with him didn't make it nearly as bad.

"what are you thinking about, hm?" he asked me with those now red eyes but they remained as gentle as ever.

"nothing petal," i responded and he just smiled and looked back to the environment and continued walking while pulling me behind.

of course he looks different now with red eyes, fangs, longer nails, and the occasional demon wing but to me he's as gorgeous as ever. he seems happy as well. there's rarely ever a second i don't see him smiling, probably because he always smiles when he sees me.

"ooo! do you think we can go get ice cream tonight? like we did that one time?" he asked me as he turned to face me and walked backwards to keep us moving but kept our hands interlocked.

"we'll have to sneak out past curfew y'know," i told him as if that would deter you let alone stop him.

"it's fine dad loves his son-in-law!" he chimed with a big smile and i just chuckled and shook my head. it's been years of the two being together and we travel all of the worlds, which he was amazed at, and he eventually began calling my father your dad and he began regarding you as a son as well.

"pfft!" i began to laugh and he just shook his head. he had mingled his way into this family with ease and no one had intent of letting him go.

"what? you know i'm right! you should've seen how happy he was whenever i showed him how to make cookies for mom!" he teased and i just kept laughing. he was right, of course, but i couldn't help but adore him and chuckle at his cute tendencies.

"you know you can call them hades and persephone, right?" i asked upon my laugh calming down and he nodded but he wasn't really listening. he enjoyed having a family even if they were deities.

"yeah but i like mom and dad more," he said with a satisfied smile and i couldn't help but smile as i saw his smild. he was infectious like that, he even made my father start to act more like a true person rather than a stone cold asshole. that's just how he was.

"so.. ice cream?" he asked and i nodded.

"yay!" he chimed as he turned back around to continue walking.

we were walking through a flower field that was considered his room. lemon was probably running around here somewhere as well. he had planted a couple flowers when he was first given the space as the years passed they just spread and spread and he had no intention of removing them. he let them grow and tended to them carefully allowing small creatures to come and go. for being a demon he was quite calm and relaxed, he had even found a way for demons to survive without eating souls.

"wanna go to the pond? i think the tadpoles are finally starting to leave the water!" he chimed and i nodded, there was no way to say no to him.

looking into his eyes as the years have passed i've noticed something. compared to the first time i met his frail mortal body to the person he's become now he seems rested. content. happy. i hate to get ahead of myself but i hope it's because of me. i'm not exactly the best judge of morals but i am aware that he deserves only the best and i wish that i was able to give it to him.

"look! baby frogs!" he chimed with an excited face as he crouched down beside the pond and i sat beside him not looking at the pond but at him instead, a habit i had picked up rather quickly.

"stop looking at me! i'm not going anywhere! look at the baby frogs!" he pouted and i chuckled and nodded and looked to the baby frogs. of course i peeked a glance to see the sparkle in your eyes as you looked at them, i couldn't help myself.

who knows how much time passed, i had learned to hate clocks and not worry about what time it was, but before long the sun began to set in the human world and it was time to go get ice cream. minghao spring up and grabbed my hand and began running as he traced something with his finger that turned to a portal and pulled us both through. as it closed behind us i let out an impressed exhale, he was so good at controlling his power.

"ice cream!" he chimed as his defining demon attributes dissolved and he turned to look just like he did when he was mortal.

it always took me back seeing him look so human. reading him romeo and juliet, stargazing, kissing him, holding him. the only thing that changed from that last night holding him and when he became a demon was now he was warm again. i loved his warmth and always will.

"jun? let's go, love!" he chimed and i nodded as we intertwined hands.

the shop owner of the ice cream had gotten used to our frequent trips and began giving us our usual without us having to say anything. it always made him smile when the man working just knew what we wanted. no matter how much time passed i will forever love that smile.

"hao, do you promise to love me forever?"

"of course, don't ask silly questions!"

"agreed petal. forever and always,"

they'll tell our story for centuries. the two forbidden lovers with a happy ending.

• author's notes •

aaa!! an epilogue wrote from jun's perspective about minghao and them years in the future!! technically they're married but they're demons so it doesn't really matter?? also yes jun is hades n persephones son and minghao is v v popular in the demon world for his discoveries (that were inspired after passing when their contract had been sealed) and he is very happy. they're both very happy.

like i wrote before, a sad ending isn't for them <3

also if you like the sort of first person writing pls lmk because i kind of had fun switching it up !! thank you for reading summoned, i appreciate every vote, comment, and read!! i love you all so much, stay safe.

-lilly <3

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