I Want "Tweet" The Boy - Chapter Fourteen

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         This is gonna be the fourteenth chapter PEOPLE! Like, I'm happy to reach this number! I never expected to continue xD anyways, I feel like this chapter is a bit lame or boring LIKE I ALWAS SAY XD but I can't continue the fanfiction without posting it for sure :D So, hope you guys enjoy it and feedbaaaack , I will add or change whatever you guys think will make this chapter better! :D

  Oh by the way, i've changed the officer's name, didn't like the other one xD I chose Hans because it's German and i love Germany! :D


   The Lawyer's P.O.V

             As I remember, everything was going alright, me and the poor customer didn't have any doubt that Mr. Chris wanted to sell the firm, my customer was so excited for the deal.. Until the officer Hans showed up with the little nervous girl, at first I had no doubt that she was just playing a game or something, but because Hans was there I believed it needs at least a sneak peek !! So I gave it a try and as I expected it was undoubtedly fake! It looked just like how it would look like if an ignorant teenager faked a contract!! So I told the officer so, he looked disappointed as I felt that he truly believed the girl!

   He turned to her as there was nothing else left to do but to take her to the police station to investigate her, because faking and playing a trick on a police man isn't a thanked job! "I'm sorry but you will have to go with me!" The officer said, the girl's eyes went wider as the shock hit her twice at the same moment  "Wait, what?! Look, I'm not a lier I didn't lie and I won't!" he interrupted her " WELL ,You gotta discuss your intentions with the investigator because YOU'VE wasted my and those gentle men's time!" He said with a quite angry tone, I bet he felt sad for a moment after yelling at her as it was obvious, but the girl didn't seem to notice that, she started to burst tears out slowly, the atmosphere wasn't good at all, I felt for a while sympathized with the young lady, she started wiping her tears away calling her strength, looking right and left, trying to look stronger apparently in front of Mr. Chris, but she couldn't work it out as the tears unwillingly poured down, It's not that she really lost the firm, is it? Hans now apologized to Chris, me and the customer,,,then took her hands and moved towards the door.

     RIGHT at that moment, we saw a man cutting the moment off by entering the room without knocking! A crazy old dude would be the first thought that hits your brain if you ever saw his look, he wore the clothes of patients in a hospital, with untidy everything! He directly headed to the man in the policemen official clothes ignoring all the weird looks at him from everyone in the room including the girl's surprised looks and Chris's face weird remarks, he handled Hans some papers saying "I'm sorry, sir, for coming this way, but the time was almost up and I couldn't let this happen easily!"  the cop looked at the sheets for less than a second then turned to him " Let's make this easier because I cannot guess, Who are you?" He said, the man smiled as if he was making fun of the question " Sir, I'm Mr. Justin the owner if this company, the one that Mr. Sheeran wrote in his will that the company should be his after his death." I interrupted him " What? No, Mr. Chris is the one you're talking about, sir, it's written in the will he gave to me which I'm pretty sure it's real!" he answered in an important tone " According what, sir?? You don't even know the lawyer that helped Sheeran to write the will, and who also wrote the contract, your thoughts only depends on the things he showed you and the man's good intentions, and since the customer is having the firm anyway so it wouldn't be that much important to study the situation and think about the flaws in each point of this deal" He sighed " But to me, sir, it matters to let you know the truth to prevent this disaster from happening !.. Neither the contract he gave you nor the will are real, he's a poser and I can prove it easily!" With that tone, I could tell that he wasn't a part of the girl's game, so I paid him attention when he started answering my next question " I can believe in what you're saying, Master Justin, but then how can you prove it?" I said, he turned to Hans and started pointing at the papers while saying " Look guys , Th-" As I said before I wanted to pay attention but Chris interrupted him with a quite loud voice because of the distance between us in that big room "I'm sorry sir, but what is going on here? Is that man in that suit fine?" I felt the fire in Justin's eyes when he turned his sight towards Chris but he didn't say a word as Hans handled me the sheets and moved towards Chris then started talking to him maybe explaining what's going on... Justin didn't care at all, he turned to me and continued what he was saying " So, I was saying that this is the will of my poor brother-" , " Your brother?!" I said, " Yes, sorry, I maybe forgot to mention this, anyways I'm Sheeran's brother, he used to write a new will every year since he became a successful business man according to all the changes in his life as any business man would do, his own lawyer was surely the only person that knew all about his desires and thought about the will because he was the one that helped him write them lawfully all along" Now Hans joined us again " And I can bring him and he could be a witness if we ever had to make this case longer! Anyways, Right before my brother's death he had written a will which automatically became his last wish saying that he wanted to give all his property to his wife then his brother! And because his wife has been lying in the hospital for the last couple years sadly, his wealth which includes this firm became all mine, then his lawyer came and made it official and did his job greatly.. "  I interrupted him " I'm sorry, but I only want to see your proofs." I said, he smiled as he felt a little embarrassed, well I got bored of his story what were you expecting?!! " So, this is the will of my poor brother May he rest in peace! And this is the first contract." He said and pointed to me saying check them, I rolled my eyes quickly through the papers then asked " And what are these other contracts?" , he answered " To prove what I said literally I brought some bargains that my brother made with other companies, you will find my brother's sign underneath which perfectly matches the sign in the will which obviously doesn't look like the sign in Mr. Chris's will at all because he didn't have time to copy the sign, he only had enough time to steal one of the copies in my place and replace them with fake ones but he didn't expect I had other copies and other plans!" he sighed then continued again " You can contact these companies and make sure that those bargains existed and make sure that the sign of my brother is also on the copies which are with them!" He said, I took steps backwards until I reached a couch then sat down and started checking them out, during that ,the girl had a conversation with Mr. Justin, I was deeply concentrating on what I've been doing, because I was in a difficult situation that I never tried before, and for sure whatever I say after examining those stuff, will be followed by words like " But we all gotta go to the police station to let experts investigate in this case .." and so on, because I realized later that none of the employees and workers in that company could tell who the real owner lawfully was, they were just saying that both of the men were working together in directing the whole place!! But I didn't tell the two men what I intended to say, I preferred to let them know when I finish reading! So I just needed to be as much sure as I could because I wanted to avoid annoying the officers and the investigators by any case!

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